Can’t but with Them | Teen Ink

Can’t but with Them

October 10, 2023
By Anonymous

Harukaze awoke to the sound of birdsong, their cheerful melody piercing the quiet morning air as they rose from their unconscious state. Opening his eyes to a hazy vision before rubbing his eyes and scanning his room like a robot like he always does.

A sense of calmness hung in the room, as if the world outside wasn't even there.

But shaking that thought out his head as he got ready for today, for he had plans with his friends today, he begrudgingly dragged himself out of bed.

The sun was a beacon in the sky, its warm rays reflecting off the city's glass buildings, making them shimmer like diamonds unlike most days where it is almost always cloudy and hard to see the sun.

Harukaze, however, paid no mind to appreciate it as he got up from his bed that tucked into the corner of the room and got dressed in his usual faded orange T-shirt and blue jeans and cleaned himself up to a better state of being than most days and headed out.

As he walked to the park where his friends had agreed to meet, as Harukaze walked to the meetup spot, he watched the trees seem to sway to their own independent rhythm, while kids ran around and just said many things that came to mind without a second thought, he sighed and waited for his friends.

Some time later one of his friends soon arrived, and the atmosphere lightened a bit. 

Harukaze greeted them with a bit more warming face


"Hey, Harukaze," said Lily, the optimist of the group. Her voice was like a burst of sunshine on a cloudy day, almost blinding harukaze. "Isn't it a beautiful day?"

Harukaze shrugged slightly, avoiding direct eye contact, but he couldn't help but crack a small smile. "Yeah, I guess. I mean, it's not raining, right?"

Lily giggled, her laughter infectious as corona. "Exactly! And that's a good enough reason to smile. By the way, I love your T-shirt today. It's got that 'effortlessly cool' vibe."

Harukaze glanced at his faded T-shirt. “Oh, thanks” Harukaze said, giving a small smile before it quickly flew away into the wind.

As they continued their walk to the park, Terry finally joined them, strolling in with exaggeraed swagger of a teen. "What up, guys?" he said with a smirk.

Harukaze and Lily turned to greet their fashionably late friend. "What took you so long?" Lily teased, playfully poking Terry's arm.

Terry shrugged nonchalantly. "You know me, always making an entrance. Can't keep my fans waiting." He flashed a confident grin that was oddly endearing.

The trio made their way to their favorite lunch spot, a cozy little restaurant tucked away from the bustling city streets. The atmosphere was relaxed, with the clinking of cutlery and the hum of conversation in the background.

As they settled into their seats, Harukaze couldn't help but overhear snippets of conversation from nearby tables. People were talking about their goals, their dreams, and their plans to go places in the world, while one of the people was a bit hesitant but excited.

Lily leaned in, her eyes sparkling with delight. "You know, guys, I've always wanted to travel the world. There's so much to see, so many cultures to experience. I can't wait to start my journey."

Harukaze nodded thoughtfully. "That sounds amazing, Lily. I've never really thought about doing one and going anywhere”

Terry chimed in, leaning back in his chair with a self-assured grin. "Well, you know, I've got big plans myself. I've always wanted to start my own business, and I've got some killer ideas in the works. Just you wait."

As the conversation flowed along ,Harukaze slowly started to be more transparent. He shared a little of his own aspirations, his liking of music, and threw a few jokes out there that made his friends laugh.

The meal passed in a blur of laughter and camaraderie. As the day drifted towards its end, the friends walked back home together with lighter steps. The setting sun painted the sky in hues of orange and purple, casting a warm, nostalgic glow over the city.

As they strolled towards their homes, Harukaze couldn't help but notice the conversations swirling around him.  His friends discussed dreams, aspirations, and the endless possibilities life offered.

Harukaze, on the other hand, remained aloof, his thoughts wandering to a place where apathy reigned supreme. He felt like a puzzle piece that didn't quite fit in this picture of the group. 

But then something shifted within him. A subtle realization, like a whisper in the wind, began to take root. He watched Lily's eyes light up as she shared her dreams and ambitions, and he couldn't help but feel happy for her, something he hadn't felt in a long time since he was a kid.

As the day drifted towards its end, Harukaze walked back home with a lighter step. 

The sun, now setting in the horizon, painted the sky in hues of orange and purple, as if it were saying goodbye with a promise of a brighter tomorrow.

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