Friday Night | Teen Ink

Friday Night

September 22, 2023
By 713CHINOO BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
713CHINOO BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  It was a dark and gloomy night, when Roberto and his friends decided to go on walk. They decided to meet up at the ditch next to their neighborhood. As he walked, he couldn’t help but to feel a little nervous. He has never sneaked out and felt guilty he didn’t tell his parents. The ditch was close to his house, so the walk wasn’t that far.  When he arrived, he noticed his friends weren’t there. He looked around, but all he found were two skateboards and two backpacks. He started to worry but decided to keep looking.

  As he looked round, he called out their names, “Luis!!! Jonathan!! Hello?”. No answer. He decided to call them. Straight to voicemail. He then decided to knock on their doors. He walked back to their houses and knocked, waiting for an answer. After he waited for what seemed to be hours, no one answered. He started to feel a sense of loneliness, something like never before. “Am I the only one here?” he thought.

   Roberto started to panic. He ran back home, opened the door, and ran straight to his sister’s room. He knocked. No answer. “She must be asleep”, he said. He walked to his parent’s room and knocked. No answer.  This time, he decided to go in. As he does, he noticed the bed is made, and completely untouched. He ran back to his sister’s room, and it was completely empty as well. He ran sprinted down the stairs, towards the home cell phone, dialing in 911. The phone line was not working. He decided to sit for a moment, to gather his thoughts. “What is going on?” he said, feeling his chest closing in. He took two big breaths in and got up. He thought it was best to go outside and find someone, so he did.

 When he walked back outside, he noticed the sky got even darker, making it harder to see. “Hello? Anyone here?” He yelled. No answer. He remembered that there was a local grocery store near his house, so he walked there. When he arrived, the store was very well lit, as usual. The open sign was on, so he went in. As he did, there was no one there. That wasn’t unusual though because it usually was. Looking around, trying to stay calm, he sees the shelves, totally empty where there once was food. On the floor, there’s a note. The note read “RUN.”

    So, he did, as fast as he could. He stopped in the middle of the road back to his house and wept, the horrifying feeling of loneliness taking over. He lays there for hours, unsure of what to do with himself, when suddenly, he hears a loud noise. A beeping noise. This sounds familiar, but he can’t figure out why.  He looks around anxiously, as the alarm-like noise kept getting louder. He starts heading towards his house again. When he gets there, he remembers he never went into his room. When he entered, he noticed it was his alarm clock, going off louder than normal. He picked it up, clicked the alarm clock off, and his vision went dark.

  He woke up, in his bed. Confused, he looked around. “Did I just wake up again?” He asked himself. As he fidgets in his bed, he gets a call. “Dude. Are you coming? We have been waiting for like an hour!” his friends said on the other line. He replied, “What do you mean? I was just there, and you guys weren’t! No one was around!”  “What are you talking about we have been here for an hour, like we said. Are you showing up or not?” said his friends. “That’s weird. Okay. I’m on my way!” He said, hanging up. He went in his sister’s room, to say goodbye, but she was sound asleep. “That must have been a dream, a very scary dream.” He said to himself, closing his sister’s door.

The author's comments:

Something about me is that I like to hang with my homies, and its also hard for me to trust new friends. I like to go outside, its peaceful, and it just relaxes me.

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