A Bike Success | Teen Ink

A Bike Success

September 20, 2023
By niyahford BRONZE, Houston, Texas
niyahford BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was Christmas and me and my brother had got bikes. My brother all ready knew how to ride a bike but I didn't. So later on that day we went outside to ride our bikes. My bike didn't have training wheels, so I didn't know what to do. So I asked my brother if he can teach me how to ride a bike. He showed me how to ride. I got on and tried to ride the bike but it wasn't as easy as it seemed. I tried riding it with him holding the handles it was easy because we were going slow. I practice the next and the day after that, and I still couldn't get it I want to give up, because I couldn't ride the bikes like the other kids or my brother. But I didn't I keep practicing and practicing until I was ready. It was a hard time because I would scrap my knee and fall over and over, but I choose not to give up and try again. One day as I had rode the bike without falling I didn't notice at first until my brother had screamed you did it. I was so surprise I fell off the bike, but I was happy because I finally knew how to ride a bike. And I wasn't left out of any bike actives again.

The author's comments:

My name is Aniyah Ford and I go to Pasadena Memorial Highschool, and I wrote this story for a English assessment. 

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