Football Season | Teen Ink

Football Season

September 14, 2023
By Anonymous

I was just entering Junior High, on my first day of school I remember smelling that certain scent of perfume from the classrooms. While making my way through the school I could hear all the loud voices and chatters of the students. Then when I arrived at my classroom the teacher greeted me and welcomed me in. When I entered the classroom I looked at all the other students and was fascinated by how big they grew. It felt like I was the smallest student in the class. This made me really upset because I was planning on trying out for the football team. In my head I thought, why would the coaches pick me a skinny, short, athlete over the other bigger and stronger athletes. I soon pushed that thought away and kept my head up. After all I was fast and had great agility.Not only that but I was also great at catching from all the times I played outdoors with my older brothers and dad. Soon athletics class came up and I met all the coaches. They were all tall and muscular. The coaches had also told us that they were former football players through high school and college. As I was listening to the coaches they told us about their austere expectations for us as part of the football team. Then the coaches told us the big news that tryouts were going to be tomorrow after school. Once I heard that I felt a feeling of excitement but I also felt nervous. That day I spent the rest of my time thinking about the tryouts. Then the time would come, I walked into the gym and I could see the rest of the athletes. They were all looking at me with enmity and were also trying out for a spot on the team. Next the coaches would bring us outside where they had all of the cones and practice dummies set up. I remember it was a hot sunny day outside, I had already felt a drop of sweat dripping down the side of my face. The coaches told us that they would run us through a series of drills and plays. They would pick the athletes who successfully did these drills and plays to be part of the football team. The coaches put us in lines of ten and It was just about to be my turn, when all of a sudden the coach called me and told me to go get more football dummies from the storage room. So I did as I was told and I went into the storage room, in there I could see all kinds of football accessories and some of the equipment looked antiquated. I hurried though and found the football dummies coach was asking for. Once I returned I gave the football dummies to the coach and quickly returned back in line. As it was getting close to my turn my heart started racing but I told myself to keep calm that I got this. I arrived at the front of the line and I was just waiting for the coach's whistle.  Once I heard the whistle I sprinted as fast I could while running around the cones. Then came up the part where I had to catch the pass and I jumped as high as I could and caught the ball. At the end I couldn’t catch my breath and was exhausted but it was worth it. I was proud of myself for how well I did on the drills and plays. The next day came the moment of truth. I was making my way to the gym as I was walking, I could hardly move my legs from how sore I was. It was all well worth it though because I walked towards the list of players who made the team and there was my name.

The author's comments:

This piece is from a special memory.

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