The year 3087 | Teen Ink

The year 3087

September 7, 2023
By jav1 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
jav1 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It's the year 3087,they are flying cars only rich people can afford.All people are happy in a small town, all the stuff is electronic or futuristic. People don't have to drive a lot because they are self-driving cars.

One day Bob,Tim,and Sam were planning to go to a party in the night.They turn on the television and the news guy says ‘there is a new disease coming to the town. Bob said ‘maybe we shouldn't go’ ’Tim replied “bro that's fake nothing is going to happen’’ Sam agreed with Tim. Bob stayed back and Tim and Sam left for the class. They got to the party and a lot of people were there.

They play games drink and dance to the music *A couple hours later* People start feeling drunk and sick. Tim and Sam go back home and go to bed .

(The next day)

The next day Tim and Sam called Sam they asked Bob “ hey Bob do you still feel drunk’’ Bob replied “I  didn't go remember” Tim said ‘ohh you were scare’ after a few hours Tim and Sam still felt drunk they thought it was because they drank a lot so they let the day go by.

(Doctor appointment) 

After the long day of still feeling drunk they decide to go to the doctor. After getting checked out the doctor said there was a new virus going on in the city and it had the same effects as if you were drunked.Sam and Tim said ‘this can't be we can't have the new virus’ Bob replied ‘i told y'all not to go to that party Tim and Sam said ‘we should of listen'. The doctor came back and said ‘unfortunately ya’ll have new virus called divoc85 the symptoms are the the same as feeling drunk tired and can't breathe. Tim and Sam had to be alone in a house for a couple days to see if the disease would go away because it was too strong for medicine.

(The escape)

A couple days later.. Tim and Sam wanted to go to a party but they still had divoc 85 they couldn't leave because they were guarded by masked guys because divoc 85 was to strong to be around people so they escaped through the window and left to a party. Tim and Sam got to the party and after that long night they got everyone sick and the whole city got infected and it was too strong doctors didn't have a cure and people started to die to the point half the population was gone Bob was still alive in his house he had not gone  out, he went into his underground cave and stayed there Tim and Sam were in the hospital so sick regretting every moment they had did and wanted to go back and listen to bob. After a few years the virus went away everybody was good, Tim and Sam wanted to look for Bob and apologize for not listening to him the first time. They find Bob in a secret cave and Bob is old but healthy, Sam and Tim go up to and hug him and tell him they are sorry for not listening and Bob forgives them. Bob, Tim and Sam continue to be best bros and continue their life.

The author's comments:

I'm a 16 year old boy at Pasadena memorial high school. 

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