Exam Day | Teen Ink

Exam Day

September 7, 2023
By am0321806 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
am0321806 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It all started on a sunny bright Monday morning, Charlie woke up from his slumber. Charlie checked his phone to notice it had no battery; quickly got up and rushed to plug it on the charger, checked to see if David was awake yet but saw he was still asleep. ”DAVID WAKE UP, THE QUIZ.IT'S TODAY.” Charlie shouted. David jumped out of his bed and saw he had a reminder on his phone that Charlie and David had a very important exam for algebra 1st period. Charlie quickly heard his phone go off, many alarms going off, and checked the time is 6:59. School starts at 7:15 and with their luck they live 15 minutes away.


Charlie kept telling David to wake up, “Breakfast is ready!” Charlie's mom yelled from downstairs. Charlie quickly ran downstairs with tie-dye socks, red joggers, blue sweater and bright pink crocs. David woke up like he had just walked out of the store Claire's , finally brushed his teeth, out of his bed still wearing his pajamas. Charlie and David quickly grabbed a pancake each, stuffed their faces with pancakes looking like squirrels eating ,  and ran to the door ready to leave. The brother's mother is still in her robe, morning breath still hitting. David ran in the house  to remind his mother they have no time to do anything. Everyone quickly got in the car not realizing nobody had gotten the keys; Charlie ran and grabbed the keys from inside.

As they were backing up from the driveway they felt the back left side of the car go down. David got off to check he noticed a tiny needle, luckily their uncle knows what to do in situations like these. They quickly called their uncle and he answered and showed every step on what to do. Used their spare tire, and got to leaving but their mom with her careless mind forgot their name slip to get into the school. So they headed back to their house to get the slip, now that they have seemed to get everything they needed. Charlie made sure everything was with them, while heading to the school David said “ I didn't get to review our homework and the worksheets, I'm going to fail this so badly!”. “ Don't worry son, I'm sure you can retest any day.” said their mom, “ Mom you don't understand how important this test is, a retest won't equal the actual test.” said Charlie. The time felt like it was going by slowly , David was abstracted by how sleepy he was and just kept prattling and prattling about how important this test was for his grade. 

They were 4 blocks away from school and as soon as they were about to pull out their papers to at least review a little bit in the car they heard a loud commotion sound like a waterfall in the middle of traffic and noticed somebody drove into a fire hydrant. Their mom, having a senseless mind, pulls over and decides to check what started the accident. “ MOM. GET BACK IN NOW.” shouted Charlie from inside the car, David quickly rushed out the car to investigate as well. Charlie was in distress by how easily David and their mom were distracted , David's mother squinted her eyes to see she saw it was her co-worker from work that had hit the fire hydrant. They all got back in the car and taking off , Charlie assuming they were  headed to school, they quickly made a sharp U-turn and parked against the crash. Their mother got off the car and started gossiping about how this all happened and how her friend caused all of this and the water still shooting out of the fire hydrant.

Charlie quickly thought about how late they both were so he decided to send in an anonymous tip to the city water department and got a response saying they will be there in 3 minutes. Charlie told David and both sighed with relief ready to leave. Their mother was still talking and prattling to her co-worker, soon enough Charlie and David decided to just walk to school. As they were getting closer and closer to school they noticed there wasn't really any traffic, they thought how suspicious that was. From a distance they saw a few cars but assumed it was just people that were late as well, they got closer as they got closer, they received a phone call from their mom asking where they went. 

As they got closer to the school they started becoming very unsure if they even had school…just as if the Gods had overheard their problem, David got a phone call from his friend asking why he was up so early on a free day. “So you're telling me that we woke up in a rush to get out of the house just to not even have school..” said David, both frustrated and marched back to where their mother was. David and Charlie explained to their mom how Charlie marked the wrong date by accident, David was furious at Charlie “Really? I woke up very tired just for you to tell me there is no school?!?!?” Charlie chuckled and said “ Yes sorry”. Both went back in the car and just fell asleep on the car ride back home, the mom laughed and whispered under her breath and said “ How do YOU not keep up with your own schedule”. They went back on their way back in a good mood and half asleep but just mainly happy they have no school and no test to worry about.

The author's comments:

This story shows how one little mistake causes so much and be responsible and being certain with things like a test.


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