Not My Room | Teen Ink

Not My Room

May 31, 2023
By 4jalan BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4jalan BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I can’t believe this is happening, I thought to myself as I stood at the room door. I’m forced to live in someone else's bedroom for a week as a challenge, and I am not too thrilled. My eyes traveled along the room, and I noticed a few things. To start, the walls are grayish blue with various items on them. The walls near the windows are weirdly shaped and slant up and in from the waist up until they reach the ceiling. They create little spaces where the windows are, and in one space, there are two folded-up bungee chairs. As I further entered the room, I noticed a couple of awards on the wall. One from North Shore Middle School was the “Life Character Award,” and one from Arrowhead High School that said “Sportsmanship Award”. Wow, this person must be pretty respectful to have earned these awards, I thought to myself. I looked further down the wall at this emoji painting that read 2016 in the bottom right. The emoji was a shaky circle that looked as if it was traced, but not very well. Behind the emoji was a checkerboard pattern with lime green and sky blue. To the left of the painting was a Green Bay Packers sign on the wall that read “Packers fans only”. Classic Wisconsin person, I laughed to myself. Next to that, I couldn’t help but notice two North Dakota license plates. Is this person originally from there? I wondered. After examining the wall, I cranked my head to the right to see where I would sleep all week. A nice queen-sized bed neatly made like one of those perfectly folded napkins at fancy restaurants sat there waiting for my slumber. It had a dark blue blanket and light blue sheets. I turned and plopped down on the bed and took a sigh of relaxation. I lifted my head off the bed and noticed there was a wobbly dark brown desk pushed against the wall in the corner. Well, at least I’ll have somewhere to get work done, I thought to myself. There is also a similarly colored dark brown dresser in the other corner with a TV hooked up to an Xbox that looks like it hasn’t been used for a while. Hopefully, that still works, or this could be a long week, I thought to myself as I plopped my head back down to take a nap which I may be doing a lot of. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about a stranger having to be in someone's room for one week, and the room is mine so it is pretty much describing my room through a stranger's point of view.

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