Photography Love | Teen Ink

Photography Love

June 1, 2009
By xXmuSicalPoeTxX BRONZE, Bronx, New York
xXmuSicalPoeTxX BRONZE, Bronx, New York
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

This is a regular modern 1920s high-class family. This is the Austin family. They live in Jamestown, Virginia and they are very wealthy. You would think that such a wealthy family would be very happy, but that didn’t apply very much to two of the children in this family; they were very miserable. If you were to see them walking down the road two years ago and asked them how they were doing, they would easily say that their life is like the petals on a dying flower. They just slowly fall off the stem one by one as their flower slowly dies.

As this family moves through life it may seem as if their lives are perfect and happy with no troubles at all, but if you look deeper than the outer shell, you may find many flaws in their lives, mainly in the lives of the twins, Emily and Emma. When you are looking deeper into this family you will see that all of these problems are linked to what happened one in April. After this dreaded day in their family everything changed for the whole family for about a year and a half, but for Emily and Emma, it still lasts. Their lives are still tumbling down that hill of problems that seems to end with an ocean of despair at the bottom.

John was the man of the family and the twins loved him. They were both daddy’s little angels, and to them he was the best father in the world. Until that day in April, everyone was happy and they were the ideal wealthy family. That day, everyone was getting ready to take a family photo. They were just about to leave when one of John’s co-workers appeared with his officer clad on. He said that John had to go down to the station so he could help with backup because something happened. John was reluctant at first but he had to go so he told us to go take the photo without him. This was the beginning of the twins’ despair.

When John finally got to the scene of this crime, something horrible happened. It is still unknown what happened exactly but at the end of the day, John was pronounced dead. When the family got this news, they were just finished taking their family photo. The mother of the family wasn’t so unhappy; she explained to the children that this was bound to happen since being an officer was a risky job. The twins tried to emulate their mother’s behavior, but it was just too hard.

Ever since this terrible day, the twins’ hearts have not been able to be resilient, until today. They have realized that this photo and this tragic loss had just made this family closer. If this had not happened, the twins wouldn’t be able to see their family as a whole. Now, as they see their family as a whole, the see that that ocean is not full of despair but it is full of companionship, and love. Their lives are no longer like the petals of that dying rose. Their lives and their love are now like springtime. Everything is blooming and blossoming, everyone is happy and his or her winter’s grimaces have turned into spring’s laughter.

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