Football is Life | Teen Ink

Football is Life

May 10, 2023
By nnamburi BRONZE, Hillsborough, California
nnamburi BRONZE, Hillsborough, California
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Every Sunday, Josh Anderson puts all of his gear on and walks out of his team’s tunnel, stepping on the field. As his right foot glazes the luscious grass, the crowd explodes. “Here’s your NEW YORK GIANTS!” the announcer shouts. Josh and the rest of his team sprint out of the tunnel and the crowd roars. He looks around and sees his loving wife and his kids on the sidelines and feels an appreciation for the support and success he had in his life. His son, Michael, lights up with a smile as bright as day. Josh puts on his helmet, locking in for game time. In the previous season, he led his team to a Super Bowl Championship, blowing out the opposing team 31-0. Josh gained much attention after his superb rookie season performance. He has been able to buy his parents a brand-new house, his wife a shiny new car, and much more with the money brought in from his new endorsement deals. 

Josh had recently signed a deal with Nike for 4.7 million dollars during the offseason, acquiring his own signature shoe. After signing with Nike, other companies zeroed in on his future potential and offered similar deals. Deal after deal, Josh became one of the most wealthy players, after playing just one season, in NFL history. Life has been good. Very good. During the offseason, the Giants drafted Josh’s closest friend and former teammate from college, Branden Williams. 

The crowd roars with excitement as both teams line up to kick off the season. “Jordan Davis kicks the ball 67 yards into the end zone for a touchback. Josh walks out to the 25-yard line, ready to begin the best season of his career. “Gametime,” he whispers to himself. Josh walks into the huddle as his teammates surround him. “Alright, guys. Let’s blow ‘em out,” he tells them. “Red Right 30 Pull Trap. Ready, BREAK!” The team lines up, ready for the first play of the game, as Josh crouches under center. “Hike!” Branden Williams sprints upfield, beating his defender, as Josh chucks the ball and lands it perfectly in Williams’ hands for the go-ahead touchdown on the first play of the season. “OH WOW! What a bold move by the offensive coordinator of the Giants to start off the season!” the announcer says, astonished. The Giants continue to dominate the opposing team for almost the entire game and end with a well-deserved win. “Alright, good win guys,” the coach says. “I think y’all already know who gets the game ball.” The coach places the ball in Josh’s hands. The team continues to celebrate as Josh stands still, once again absorbing and appreciating his well-earned position. 

At the press conference following the game, the reporters pepper him with questions. “Do you think this is the start to an MVP season?” an ESPN reporter asks. “Yeah, I think I played my heart out today, and it showed on the field. I hope I can bring this city another championship and maybe myself an award. As he finishes his statement, his teammate, Branden Williams, sits down next to him. The same reporter asks, “You guys clearly had an outstanding college career together. After today, how do you guys intend to continue that in-game chemistry between the both of you?” “I feel like we can keep our in-game chemistry, so long as we stay focused on the game as our top priority," Josh says as Branden nods in agreement.  

On his way home, Josh turns on the local radio station. “I mean, this kid really is something,” someone says. “He was put in the worst possible situation, with the worst receiving core in the league, and a team that hadn’t won a playoff game since 12 years ago…and a year later, he has won us a Super Bowl in his rookie season, Rookie of the Year, and the MVP award which hasn’t been done since 1957 by Jim Brown. I mean, he has the opportunity to become the face of this franchise for the next 10-plus years.” “Yeah, I don’t know man. I still have doubts about his playing style. I think he’s going to die out this year, and we’ll go back to being the same old New York football team we’ve been for the past 12 years,” someone else says. Josh turns off the radio and turns his focus to proving that man wrong. 

Josh arrives at home and walks through the front door to a pleasant surprise. He sees his 2 kids running toward him with gigantic smiles on their faces to embrace their dad with a warm hug. “You played amazing Dad!” Michael tells him. He then goes to hug his wife. As he hugs her, he notices an unusual annoyance and distance in the way she hugs him. It was abnormal. 

Like most nights, after the kids go to bed, Josh tucks into a glass of wine, ready to study his playbook and film. Like most nights, he falls asleep in the middle of this. This movie plays out all too often, ultimately being woken up by his wife, who has disappointment written all over her face. Another night is spent choosing work over her.

The second game of the season came along after a bumpy week. The Giants are now playing the same team they beat in the playoffs. Josh suits up and walks out of the tunnel with his team, but this time he doesn’t pause to be gracious. Instead, he just keeps moving. He glances at his family, his kids beaming with familiar smiles again and his wife trying to avoid eye contact. He immediately feels a pit in his stomach. He places his helmet on his head and tries to focus on the game in front of him. After the kickoff, Josh steps onto the field, listening to the roaring crowd. He can even hear his two most loyal fans, his kids yelling. “Yay Daddy!” his daughter screams. He turns to see both of his kids on their feet. His wife’s expression remains neutral. He again tries to bring the focus back to the field. Josh calls the first play “Alright, here’s the play. Spread double slants.” His team lines up as Josh stands under center. “Hike!” Josh yells. Brandan Williams runs a slant route, but it is heavily contested. Josh notices two defensive players coming to tackle him from both sides, flustering him to make the impulsive decision to throw the ball in the direction of Williams. “And…ANDERSON THROWS AN INTERCEPTION,” the announcer yells. Josh storms off the field, takes off his helmet, and chucks it at the ground. Branden walks up to him to confront him. “Dude, what kind of throw was that?” Josh looks at him, controls his anger before doing anything he will regret, and walks away. This becomes a cycle for the entirety of the game. The Giants get blown out by 17 points at home, with an underwhelming performance from Josh Anderson. Anderson finishes the game with 0 touchdowns, 5 completed passes, 5 interceptions, and a fumble. 

Dead silence. That’s all one could say to describe this post-game locker room experience. No one has anything to say after the horrific performance they all participated in. Eventually, Branden breaks the silence, “Hey guys, it’s one game. We have 15 games left to play and possibly go on a run. Every single one of us needs to step up and make big plays before we have zero games left. He pauses and turns his head towards Josh. “Especially you. What was that out there? That was not the Heisman winner, Josh Anderson, that I’ve known for 4 years.” Josh picks his head up and scans the room to see all of his teammates nodding in agreement. Josh picks up his broken helmet, and walks out of the locker room to his car, leaving the rest of his team in disbelief. 

Josh gets in his car and begins his drive home. Reluctantly, he turns on the radio to hear the post-game commentary. “It’s one performance, not the end of his career. He’s clearly proven what he’s capable of. Don’t write him off just yet,” one broadcaster says. “Look, I know you think I’m going to tell you ‘I told you so’, but in part, I’ve changed my mind. I think this experience might humble him.” Josh’s hardened expression slowly softens. Josh realizes and regrets the way he just acted like an arrogant idiot in front of his teammates. 

As he begins to make a U-turn, a strong light flashes before him and halts him in his tracks. Josh’s reflexes kick in and he swerves to avoid the big truck coming directly at him. Sadly, the truck does not see Josh. Josh squeezes his eyes shut, picturing his wife and kids in his arms. The truck driver hits the brakes but it is too late. Upon impact, Josh immediately knows his life would change beyond measure.

Josh sits in his car, unable to move his legs, for what seems like hours. He thinks about how much he has taken for granted in his most recent game. His loss of focus cost him the game.  He thinks about the disappointment on his children’s faces when he tells them he won’t be able to play with them as he did before. He imagines the sadness his daughter will feel when he can’t walk her down the aisle. He thinks of how he won’t be able to play football ever again. The ambulance finally arrives. He can’t tell but from their facial expressions, he knows it cannot be good. 

The following events happen quickly and not painlessly. News travels fast that the top NFL quarterback, Heisman winner Josh Anderson suffered a severe spinal injury in a massive car collision, causing him to lose full control of his lower body. Every single company Josh had previously partnered with pulls out of their endorsement deals, and the Giants move on to a new quarterback, all while still showing appreciation and respect for the now-former NFL player. The tension between Josh and his wife worsens and the loss of income doesn't help. Shortly after Josh is released from the hospital, the couple separates. “ I needed more of you and your first love has always been the game of football.” He can’t disagree with this and knows that as his family falls apart before him, this feeling of loss does not come close to the one he feels from losing his biggest love, the game of football. Josh thinks to himself that this focus is what has made him successful and kept him at the peak of his career. He has no regrets. Football has been his life and without it, he doesn't know who he is.

The author's comments:

I strongly love the game of football myself, so during my free time, I decided to write about someone who has an even larger passion for the game that he shuns everything and everyone else away.

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