Overcoming the fear of heights | Teen Ink

Overcoming the fear of heights

May 1, 2023
By Anonymous

As a child, I was always hesitant when it came to heights. Climbing up a ladder or standing on the edge of a balcony made me feel queasy and nervous. My parents would always try to encourage me to conquer my fear, but the thought of being up high was just too overwhelming. As I grew older, my fear of heights only seemed to worsen. Even looking at a tall building from the ground would make my heart race. It was frustrating, knowing that my fear was holding me back from experiencing new things and enjoying life to the fullest. I knew that I needed to face my fear head-on, but I wasn’t sure when or where to start.

It wasn’t until I decided to face my fear head-on by trying indoor rock climbing that I was able to overcome my fear and slowly gain confidence in my abilities. The first time I walked into the climbing gym, my heart was racing and my palms were sweating. But as I started to climb, I found that my mind was focused on the task at hand rather than on the height. Rock climbing provided me with unexpected relief. With each climb, I gained more confidence and pushed myself to go higher and to try more challenging routes. 

While it wasn’t an overnight fix, the experience of indoor rock climbing helped me to gradually overcome my fear of heights. My fear no longer controls my life and I can enjoy new experiences that I would have previously avoided. Ultimately, if you put effort into trying to overcome your fears, you can do so. 

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