Twins | Teen Ink


December 12, 2022
By Anonymous

Skye and Venus were probably the two most known kids in the school, maybe even the whole town.  Skye was the varsity cheer captain and head of the robotics team while her twin sister Venus was the Varsity basketball captain at their high school in Vermont. 

“Come on Vee! We’re going to be late!” Skye hollered from her spot at the front door. It was already 7:25 and the first bell rang at 7:45. 

“I'm coming! I'm coming! Jesus Christ, calm down woman,” Venus clamored downstairs and rushed into the kitchen, grabbing the allergy and ADHD meds off of the counter, and downing them within a second. She then grabbed her bag off of the kitchen stool and dashed towards the front door. 

The car ride was around ten minutes and the topic of conversation was the upcoming basketball season. “Do you know what day all of the games will be on?” Skye started as she lifted her hand off of the wheel to make gestures as she continued, “Cause I mean, I have my robotics team that's all year and so I have to worry about meetings and competitions and if those interfere with the game that would be really bad and---”

“Oh my god! Skye! Stop talking! Oh my lord, how much lung capacity do you have? Next time I see my coach I’ll ask when the girl's AND guy's games are. Deal?” Venus questioned with an annoyed tone.



Skye and Venus were talking about upcoming events, drama, boys, and everything in between as they made their way to their first period, one of the only classes they had together. “Ten bucks says we either have a sub or a pop quiz today,” Venus stuck her hand out as she used her other to push her shoulder-length chestnut hair behind her ear. 

“Bet.” Skye shook her hand. The two continued into their history class a little further down the hall, saying hi and smiling to half the kids they saw on the walk there. As they walked into the room they saw a sub at the teacher's desk, in response, Venus smirked and went to her seat in the back corner of the classroom. Skye rolled her eyes and went to her seat in the middle of the center row.

“Okay class, today your teacher said you have a pop quiz so clear your desks!” The sub yelled. Skye started snickering and turned around to look at her older sister, a similar expression displayed on her face.


The rest of the day was uneventful and the twins were walking out of the building and to their car when they spotted Marcus, Skye's boyfriend. Venus rolled her eyes as she wasn't too fond of him. He was the complete opposite of both Skye and Venus. He was quiet and shy while they definitely weren't. He was emotional while the girls were well-balanced. He planned things out and the girls were impulsive. He never really expressed any emotion while the girls were completely open. No secrets equal no problems.  And Venus had completely forgotten that he was staying the night since their parents weren't home this weekend.

“Is it really a good idea? I mean come on Skye, your smarter than this. Not only is it an awful idea for him to stay but you two are to be dating in the first place,” Venus voiced her concerns. 

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Skye questioned why her sister thought her relationship was a bad idea.

“I know that people say the whole ‘opposites attract’ thing,” Venus states while doing finger quotes,” but sometimes people are just too opposite.”

“You are being ridiculous,” Skye ends the conversation as they get into Marcus’ earshot.

“Hey,” He said as he gave Skye a quick forehead kiss as Venus gagged. “Are you sure your parents are okay with me staying? Cause I don't wanna intrude on anything of course.”

“Yea I asked and they're fine with it! Trust me!” Skye said giving a quick look to her sister in order to make sure she didn't say anything. Venus did not look impressed as she shook her head and muttered something under her breath. The girls got into their car as Marcus split and headed towards his own. 

“I have a few comments,” Venus started, making Skye roll her eyes, “First of all, I still can't believe you, the commitment-phobe, are in a relationship with the most loyal, romantic, jealous guy in school. Second, why the hell is he coming over?! Cause last time I checked our parents arent home this weekend and they definitely didn't say that it was ok. And lastly, how in the actual name of Jesus himself, are you dating HIM!” She finished.

“Opposites attract,” Skye shrugs her sister off, not answering one of her questions as she quotes her sister's earlier judgment. Venus let out an annoyed huff as they drove towards their house. This is going to be a looooooong weekend, Venus thought to herself.

The author's comments:

It was a school assignment. 

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