Monster Under the Bed | Teen Ink

Monster Under the Bed

December 9, 2022
By Anonymous

“Bye Daniel,” yelled a classmate as Daniel ran to his mom waiting in the carline pickup. Buses evenly lined the parking lot waiting for the rush of students after the last school bell. Without a fuss, Daniel’s mom picked him up every day as he was too scared of the 2nd graders to ride the bus. With his little but mighty fingers, Daniel opens the car door and climbs into his car seat. His teacher, who was right behind him, buckled him and gave a what seemed to be a reassuring smile to his mother in the front seat.

“How was your day darling?” Daniel’s mom said with a grin on her delicate face.

“It was awesome! We built legos and me and Josh played tag at recess and then Chloe wanted to play too so all my friends played tag with me and Josh. But then recess ended so we had to go back inside but Ms. Levon let everyone do the monster truck puzzle.” Daniel spoke with such eagerness. 

“Oh, that’s great! It seems like you had quite a day.” She glanced into the rearview mirror. “how about some cookies when we get home?” 

“Yes! Chocolate chip please and sugar for Mr. Blaze” his beloved monster stuffed animal. 

The rest of the way home Daniel stared out the window counting how many houses he could see while his mom was on the phone. Daniel caught his mother’s gaze before she could hide her teary eyes. The man on the phone sounded angry, but Daniel couldn’t understand why. ‘How could anyone be angry on cookie day?’ he thought to himself. Attempting to shield her sorrow-filled face, Daniel’s mom used her sleeve to dry her eyes. She didn’t hide her tears very well as Daniel absorbed her sadness and sat in silence.

“What’s wrong Daniel?” his mother asked, trying to mend the mood. 

“What did the man on the phone say mommy?” his curiosity spoke for him. 

“Nothing to worry about my darling.” She spoke with a lump in her throat. 

The car came to a stop as Daniel’s mom put the car in park and unbuckled his car seat. A hug and a kiss to his mom ended the journey home from school. Head hanging low, Daniel walked through the front door and searched for Mr. Blaze. Through thunder and lightning, Mr. Blaze has always had Daniel’s side. Reaching under the bed, Daniel retrieved Mr. Blaze from his home and plopped him at the head of his bed.

“I missed you, Mr. Blaze. School was so fun but Mommy was crying in the car today and I don’t know why.” sitting across from his monster toy Daniel spoke with melancholy. “When I snuck into mommy’s bed last night daddy wasn’t there. He was probably just under the bed.” 

“Daniel come in the kitchen. The cookies can’t make themselves.” Daniel’s mom yelled in a joking manner.

With Mr. Blaze by his side, Daniel skipped his way into the kitchen and was met with an inviting aroma. 

“I made the dough but we can put them on the cookie sheet together.” She added.

Daniel grabbed his favorite spoon and began scooping the dough. Gently, he used his fingers to scrape the dough from the spoon and onto the pan. His mother went back adding more chocolate chips on the top of every scoop to ensure an even amount of chocolate in each bite. Without his mother’s knowledge, Daniel snuck a few bites of the raw dough into his mouth — a few bites to Mr. Blaze too. After all the cookie sheets were unrecognizable with all the dough towering over them, the cookies went into the oven. As the cookies baked, Daniel, with his big blue eyes, couldn’t help but stare. He watched the dough flatten out and create its new shape. He pointed to every cookie that he was going to eat and maybe share with Mr. Blaze. 

The front door slams and Daniel’s dad walks into the kitchen. His furrowed brow tried to meet Daniel’s mother’s eyes but she broke her stare and went back to cleaning the mess from the cookies. 

“Hi Daddy, me and mommy made cookies. They’re chocolate chip cookies, my favorites but don’t tell Mr. Blaze.” Daniel said in a whispering tone fearing that Mr. Blaze may have heard him. “Do you wanna play dinosaurs together?” 

“Hey bud, I’m really tired from work today so I’m gonna go rest on the couch.” his father spoke with a rather disgusted tone. 


Daniel's father makes his way over to Daniel’s mother and begins to look around the kitchen. 

“Peter, why don’t you just play with him just for a little bit. It will make his day.” Daniel’s mom attempted to whisper but Daniel still heard. 

“Look at this kitchen! Do you do anything? I pay the bills and I expect my home to at least be clean, is that too much to ask? Or do I have to continue to do everything for you?” His father began to raise his voice.

“Peter, where is this coming from?” Her gentle voice adopted a little shake. Daniel held Mr. Blaze a little tighter as he pretended not to notice what was happening. 

“While you’re here at home pretending like you contribute to this family, I’m working hard trying to get a raise, but apparently I’m not qualified enough for it!” His father yelled. 

“Oh Peter, I’m sorry you didn’t get the raise you wanted. There is always next year darling.” Daniel’s mother spoke, trying to fix the situation. 

“I can’t anymore, I’m leaving for a few hours. When I come back I expect this house to be spotless!” He left without another word. 

Daniel ran to his room with tears streaming down his face. Mr. Blaze laid between his arms acting as a source of comfort. But nothing could cure the unbearable feeling Daniel had in the back of his throat. His eyes grew tired and in seconds Daniel had fallen asleep. 

The light shining through Daniel’s window disappears as the sun goes down. A loud slam wakes Daniel from his sleep. Mr. Blaze and Daniel tiptoed to they’re bedroom door and peeked through the gap from the ajar door. Daniel’s father walks through the front door stumbling with his shirt untucked. 

“Peter, where have you been?” Daniel’s mother spoke softly in hopes Daniel wouldn’t wake up — but he heard everything. 

“What’s it to ya!” His father slurred. 

“Lower your voice! Daniel is sound asleep and doesn’t need to be woken by your nonsense!” She said pointing her finger with aggression.

Daniel’s dad stumbles into the kitchen. Losing his balance, he lands on top of the dining table. His potent breath fills the room when his attention is drawn to the freshly made cookies. With one swipe of his arm the cookies are thrown to the floor. Daniel’s mom steps back as she has lost all control. His father grabs the glass vase in the center of the kitchen table. Yanking back his arm he launches the vase. Glass shatters spreading across the entire floor. One bottle, two bottles, three bottles, soon the entire case of drinks is hurled across the room. Glass lining the entire kitchen floor, Daniel’s mom retreats back into her room. Hiding behind the ajar door, Daniel slowly closes it to avoid any attention drawn his way. Daniel grabbed his monster stuffed animal, Mr. Blaze, and sat him at the head of his bed. 

“Why does Daddy always turn into you?” He asked Mr. Blaze. 

The author's comments:

This piece follows a child's perspective of what it's like to have a parent struggling with drug and alcohol abuse. Through literary techniques such as symbolism, a deeper meaning behind family is explored. The innocence of children is illuminated through this short story. 

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