Las Vegas | Teen Ink

Las Vegas

December 1, 2022
By kmjew707 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
kmjew707 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sally inhaled the fumes of marijuana and debris, so profuse that it was very possible to get a second hand high. Looking right, then left, then right again, Sally encountered many civilians laying on the gum and bodily fluid covered floor: they would try their best to take a nap through all the bustling noises surrounding them. Others had old baseball caps sitting on the floor as someone played an out of tune guitar and another sang like a banshee into a microphone. Sally experienced the begs, pleads, and cries for money, as people walked by without taking a glance at them. Those with money and class took pity of the less fortunate, as they walked on with their Gucci, or Prada bags. Sally could sense the poverty compared to the rich but that was how things were.

Viva Las Vegas, was plastered on every overpriced and tacky looking souvenir in the random shops inside the casino hotels. Sally could smell the cigarettes, and lung cancer just waiting to happen. It was plain to see that the outdated carpet hasn’t been cleaned in ages for there was a musk of alcohol wafting from it. Laughter came from every side of the area Sally had walked through, some boo’s, some drunk sobs, and even some happy birthdays. Every step Sally took would lead into shoulder checking someone, and an apology right after. Certain slot machines would ring out cries of music on constant repeat which really lured her to them: they were followed up by the sounds of people constantly putting more money in and eagerly pressing the glowing red spin button, just gambling their life savings away. The bright lights and the loud CHU-CHINGS!!! brought a crowd of people to spend every penny they possibly had in their pockets.

One slot machine caught everyone's attention in the casino. This machine made winners and Sally felt the need to go experience it. Forming a horseshoe shape around the machine, she saw a lady who had laser-like focus, her piercing green eyes dead staring at the machine, just waiting for another jackpot. She wore gray pajamas, and bunny slippers  as if she woke up and went straight to the casino, or as if she never left the casino at all. She didn't look like she was raging with fame and fortune, she looked normal, like everyone else. She pressed the red button, it spun once, twice, three times for luck, and there was a ringing of cheers and joy coming from the machine. JACKPOT was in large gold and glittering letters on the screen, and the sound of coins dropping into the bucket next to her was so loud it felt taunting. She collected her coins and did the same process over again. Once, twice, three times, and boom another JACKPOT. Maybe she had luck on her side, or maybe her strategy works every time, Sally thought. Once the lady got up and left it was like a pack of wolves, ready for their kill. Running towards the machine, people were coming from left and right, fortunately Sally made it to the hot seat.

On the other side of the casino Sally smelt the waft of food and perfumes lingering around. The bar keepers were constantly on their toes, making mixed drinks or just handing out water and shelled peanuts. Inside the restaurant Sally noticed the glitter and glitz. The large crystalline chandelier hung above her head, creating a soft sparkly shine all around the eating area and perfect picture lighting. The lighting greatly complimented Sally’s short sequin dress. Some gold and even a pop of red. Sally’s right hand man tried his best to match with the outrageously gorgeous dress that Sally had on, but he just showed up in a black polo and black slacks. Fashion was key when it came to such a great place like Vegas especially for Sally. It's a place of money, fame, fortune, and bliss. Every store was overpriced, expecting millions of dollars to be spent in a single transaction. Whether fake or real, Sally wanted the newest Chanel, or Dior hand bag. Even the perfumes caught the attention of Sally, the fancy bottles with the liquid gold inside made Sally go crazy for their newest signature scent. 

It was Vegas. The bustling atmosphere was like a drug for Sally and everyone was addicted. The twinkling lights, the sound of chatter and laughter ringing in people's ears, the ring and cheer of people in the casinos, the sound of coins clanging in the pockets made Sally excited and want to visit more. The art in each casino, mimicking the actual monuments, the hotel rooms, suited for everyone's needs just brought joy to her heart. It was just Vegas.

The author's comments:

Hello, I’m Kaya. I attend high school as a Junior. I’m currently taking Ap ELA and ive created this story on not only my own experience in Vegas but also how you would imagine how Vegas feels and sounds. My story gives tons of description and words to describe how Vegas may feel like for the first time.

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