The Everlasting World | Teen Ink

The Everlasting World

November 8, 2022
By Grace_H BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Grace_H BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We used to imagine that we would never die. We imagined a car with everlasting force. We imagined something we owned forever. They just came true.

  Everything seemed to be perfect. Without a start or an end. They just existed, and they still exist. Life seemed to be slower, but also seemed to be faster at the same time. The river of life was spreaded, we just lied on it, the flowers of life were everlasting. Scenery was everlasting, although the hidden waves of time pushed us, we still stopped there.

  “Take the pill everyday, remember?”

  They were kept everlasting by this. He walked along the silence until a humdrum ditty flew from the roadside, everyday he walked past. Humdrum and full of emotions. Emotions were unnecessary, they hurt people. He used to think.

  “When did we start existing?”

  “I don’t know…Seems like such a long time, so long that we even forget the time. Honestly, I can’t answer it. I’m the one of them, one of the people who forgets the time. It feels like it happened the last second…But, how long is one second? I don’t even know.”

  When she asked, he just started thinking. When did all of these start? She looked very old, just liked people who existed longer than the time. Because they—all of the people, except her—were people who were stopped. 

  “When is the end?” She interrupted him, and finally asked.

  Something grew in her eyes, then dropped without sound, withered. How could he tell, there seemed to be no end.

  No sound anymore.

  He turned off the television. It was strange that the woman reporter had no joys and sorrows in her eyes as she was biting the words like “lamentable” and “wonderful” to describe the death of a woman and the death of a stopped world. Everyone was strange, with a numb face. 

  Just went off there, let that ditty of roadside in memory sing by itself. 

  Emotions hurt him powerfully. He saw that dandelions grew along the wind wildly, leaving traces of wind. Wind and rain, they burned a river of dandelions. Life should be like this, endless, but not everlasting. But now, the river was quiet and still. Only the wind was flowing the real freedom.

  It was the first time. He threw the pill away and had the first 24 hours.

  It was the first time. He really understood why those people called it “God’s punishment” to warn people. Things just went on their way.Thousands of instruments blew up surrounding him. Notes bursted, dropped into the river which never let the clothes get wet. Everything was floating, rolling, twisting and jumping. 

  He fell in the sea of everlasting dandelions, and couldn't stir up any parachutes. 

  He became older and older.

  The word “die” was told loudly in his existence.

  The world was still quiet in their existence.

The author's comments:

My favorite is the sentence “he fell in the sea of everlasting dandelions, and couldn't stir up any parachutes”. I use the word “parachutes” because we used to describe the dandelions’ seeds as parachutes, and parachutes also can be used to save lives in real life. “Couldn’t stir up” not only explains the dandelions were limited to grow, but also means that there weren’t any parachutes which people needed to save themselves. Also, you can notice that the sound of the outer world became quieter and the one of the inner world became louder.

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