Thoughts | Teen Ink


November 7, 2022
By Anonymous

Getting home she collapsed onto the bed and dropped her bag onto the floor. Lay there, rethinking everything that had happened, everything she needed to do, everything she had done, everything she had said. Looking at the ceiling, the world seemed to come down on her. The room became loud, her thoughts, her feelings, and her words started to drown her. Every little thing dug into her skin like needles. She couldn’t help but feel this way, scared and panicked. Everything that was wrong with her circled her mind endlessly, getting louder and louder. The room seemed to blur and spin, going faster and faster. 

Almost in a daze, the sound of buzzing from her phone brought her back to reality. A few notifications appeared, on the blank Home Screen. She spent the next hours mindlessly scrolling, tapping, and texting on her phone. It helped numb her mind, like painkillers. 

The author's comments:

In this set piece I tried to describe the feeling of overthinking. A girl goes home and starts to overthink everything from that day, almost suffocating in her thoughts. I used alliteration, alliteration is a literary device that uses the same word or sound repeatedly. I used it in the 2nd and 4th sentences when describing everything she was thinking about. My favorite part is the description in the first paragraph.

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