The Girl In The Distance. | Teen Ink

The Girl In The Distance.

November 3, 2022
By amairaseth BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
amairaseth BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I saw this girl from a distance, her long blonde peroxide hair laid over her shoulders in an orderly fashion. She looked disturbed, her face scrunched up as she stared into her phone, fingers tapping away. Her blue eyes glistened in the light as she stared at the trees out the window. I think she was in a fight with someone, perhaps someone close to her I wasn't sure. She took a sip of her coffee, her hand at her head. Her eyes are still glued to her phone. And at the moment I thought she was going to break out into tears, she started to laugh. 

I was confused as a little grin seemed to appear on my face too. Her laugh was warm-hearted and full of joy, it would make anyone join in and laugh too, but as it seemed from the distance there was a little pain hidden in that laugh. She may have sounded happy but she definitely didn’t look the part. Her eyes were still swollen and down and her laugh no matter how beautiful it was, it wasn’t real. My grin slipped off, once I realized that. I looked back up at her and this time I found her staring right at me. She got up from her seat, giving me a small smile with a gentle nod. I returned her smile as she walked to the front of the cafe, towards the counter. 

 As she placed her order, I observed her voice. It was a soft and pleasant voice and she smiled through every word. Her smile was captivating and comforting at the same time as she spoke with such ease and flow, but there was something more to her, something she wanted to hide. I just didn’t know what. 

The author's comments:

My name is Amaira Seth and I am currently thirteen years old, living in India. This piece is about a young boy who has taken attention of this girl who is sitting opposite him in a coffee shop. As He is observing her, he realises that there is something off about her. This piece is a extremely descriptive short story that ends abruptly. 

I hope you enjoy reading :)


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