Carlos and the Robbers | Teen Ink

Carlos and the Robbers

September 29, 2022
By clayton1 BRONZE, Willits, California
clayton1 BRONZE, Willits, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  Carlos and the Robbers

It was a cold winter day, I woke up at 6:48 AM. A chill went down my back and goosebumps appeared on my arms and legs, as I pulled the covers off of myself. I showered, got dressed then headed off to work. I pulled into the parking lot. I was the first one there. I had to be there early so I could open up shop even though it didn’t open for another 30 minutes. I restocked the shelves and swept just waiting to turn the closed sign over and start the day. 

Business was slow, it was a Sunday so lots of people were at church in the small town of Tanchillie. By around 10 more people began to show up and shop around. Two people walked in with ski masks and a duffel bag. I could already tell something was wrong, but pretended like I didn't notice. I felt for the gun under the register, just in case. They didn’t come straight to the register where I was. They walked around the store and I could see them on the cameras taking things and putting them into the little duffel bag. Nothing big, just kind of everyday essentials like food, water, toilet paper etc. They made their way up to the register and the one had one hand in his sweat shirt pocket like they were holding something.

It all happened so fast even though I knew it was coming. The tall deep toned voice one tells me to put my hands up and pulls a gun out of the pocket his hand was in, the other tells me to open the register so they can put all the money in the duffel bag. I reach for the gun under the counter and I see a baseball bat coming for my head.

When I came back to, my head was pounding, and I could tell my hands and feet were tied to the old wooden chair I was sitting in. There was a bright light right above me, bright enough to where it made my head hurt worse and I could barely see past it. I sat there for about 10 minutes then I heard an old creaky door open, then I heard footsteps. The two people walked down the stairs now, still with the ski mask on and put a hot plate on my lap. 

“Here's breakfast,” the deep-toned voice said.

I looked down to see what looked to be a fried rat lying on the plate. 

“Better eat up, tis the last meal you got till supper” said the other in what seemed to be more of a woman-like voice.

I looked down at the plate that was steaming and looked back up at the two people that I could barely see because the light was still beaming into my eyes.

Then finally said, “Why am I here, where am I?”

The two look at eachother and the man says “Your home.”

They turned around and left with not another word. I sat there quietly thinking about what that meant. I knew my parents, I had grown up with them and lived with them my whole life. I was confused, did I just get stuck in something I wasn’t supposed to? Did they have the wrong guy? What was going on? My heart started pounding thinking of what was gonna happen to me and all the ways I could possibly get out of this place, but my hands and feet were tightly wrapped around the chair with thick and what seemed to be like strong rope. My anxiety started to go through the roof, My hands become sweaty and I can feel sweat running down my face. I can’t help but start screaming and I hear them running down the stairs. 

They come in and the woman says “shhhhhhh honey it’s gonna be ok, we’re here now.” 

“No, no,” I said. “ I don’t know who you are, get away from me!”

I feel the man's big hands wrap around my throat “Shut your mouth!” I become quiet and more scared now than I was before. He lets go and turns to the woman and whispers in her ear. They look at me and then back at each other, pause for a second then they pull off their ski mask.

It’s my Aunt and Uncle. I feel my jaw drop and I can’t say a word. I am in complete shock. I finally worked out the words. “Why?” They stayed silent and turned and walked out the door.

I started looking around more to try and find a way out. There was a little skylight in the top corner about 10 feet off the ground. I could see light from the outside, but there was one problem, my hands and feet were still tied to the chair. I started to wiggle around while still trying to be quiet so they wouldn’t hear me. I finally slid my left foot down the leg of the chair and got it free. Then my right. My legs were free now but I couldn’t figure out a way to get my hands free. I try to find the end of the rope with one hand so I could possibly untie it. I find the end and pull as hard as I can. It was tight but popped loose after I pulled hard enough. I get up and take the chair over to the corner and stand on top of it. I pushed the sky light and with almost no effort it pops right out. I pull myself up and try to squeeze through it but I get stuck. I can see a little hose faucet outside and I reach for it to pull myself through. Somehow it works and I crawl out of what looked to be the basement I was in. I stay low so they can’t see me and run around to the back where I know there are no windows. I hop over the picket fence and head for the river I used to play in as a child. I follow the river up to the old convenience store and head up to the back door. I was free.

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