Short Story | Teen Ink

Short Story

September 20, 2022
By Anonymous

Atina had just gotten off work, she felt exhausted. She entered the apartment building and walked up the stairs to the apartment she shared with her boyfriend, Nick. They had finally moved in together a few months ago, and it wasn't exactly what she thought it would be when she pictured them moving in together. The media had made it seem like moving in with your significant other was all happy and lovely, making dinner for each other and cuddling whenever because you were always together, but it wasn't like that for Atina. It appeared like they had grown apart now that they were living together. She could now see what her boyfriend was really like. He was messy and loud, never cleaning up after himself, and always playing his crappy metal music too loud. He was rarely ever home, and when he was, he never wanted to talk to her. Atina had just hoped that this was just the end of their honeymoon phase and that soon everything would work itself out. She sighed as she finally reached their apartment door and reached for her keys, but to her surprise, the door was already unlocked. “That's strange,” she mumbled to herself. She had made sure to lock the door before she left, and she knew that Nick wasn't home from work yet, he was supposed to be working late tonight, so it didn't make sense why their door was unlocked. Just to be safe, she grabbed her pepper spray from her bag and had it ready to spray anything she had found inside. She gently turned the knob and stepped inside. Everything seemed to be normal and there weren't any signs that anyone else had been inside the apartment. She noticed her boyfriend's keys and phone were on the counter. “Could he have come home early?” she thought to herself. As she was finished checking things out, she heard the toilet flush and the sink begins to run. The next thing she knew was a Pink haired girl had walked out of their bathroom and stopped in front of Atina and looked just as surprised as she was. “Ummmm, who are you?” the Pink haired girl asked “I should be asking you that since you're the one in MY apartment” The girl looked confused when she said, “Your apartment? I thought this was Nick’s apartment.” “Yeah, he's my boyfriend, we live together” she replied The Pink haired girl seemed like her world stopped as spoke “Your boyfriend? No no no, he's my boyfriend, I just came here to return his phone and keys he left at my house last night” Atina had now understood why the other girl had seemed so surprised when she told her boyfriend because she was now feeling the same thing. The two girls just stared at each other, eyes wide, as they both realized they were dating the same boy. The same questions ran through both their minds. Who did Nick love? Who had he dated first? Who was this other girl? What do they do now? Atina was brought back from her thoughts as she heard the other girl sniffling. She looked like she was trying her best not to cry but was failing terribly as the tears leaked from her eyes. “I thought he loved me,” she whispered. Atina was heartbroken and wanted so badly to be angry at this crying girl in front of her, but she knew it wasn't her fault. It was Nicks. He was the one who had done this to them. Atina reached for the other girl, “I know, I thought he loved me too.” The other girl now began to sob as Atina held her. After a few minutes, her sobs became quieter and she exhausted herself. Atina didn't say anything, mostly because she didn't know what to say in this situation, this was her boyfriend's other girlfriend after all. “Kaitlyn” “What?” “I'm Kaitlyn,” the girl whispered as she looked up at Atina. Atina looked at Kaitlyn, her green eyes were wet from her tears but they somehow managed to sparkle like there was no trace of sadness left in them. “A-Atina” she stuttered “That's a pretty name,” Kaitlyn said with a small smile. Why was she stuttering? She just found out that her boyfriend was cheating on her, and she had no reason to stutter over the girl with pretty green eyes in front of her. But still, she did, and still, she couldn't bring herself to look away from the smaller girl standing before her. “So how did you meet?” Atina was snapped from her thoughts. “W-what?” “How did you and Nick meet?” Kaitlyn asked Atina “O-oh” Atina tried to compose herself the best she could, she was stuttering and spacing out which wasn't like her. It could be the fact that she learned her boyfriend was cheating on her but Atina felt like it had to do with this pink-haired girl in her arms. “We met at the club his band was playing at. They weren't even that good, I just lied and said they were because I thought Nick was hot” “So are you into music then?” Kaitlyn asked as she lowered herself onto the ground. “You don't have to sit on the floor, you know.” Atina laughed at Kaitlyn sitting on the floor. “And I guess I would say I like music, but I'm more into poetry.” Kaitlyn quickly sat up from the floor “You write?!” she asked excitedly. Atina nodded, surprised by Kaitlyn’s burst of energy “Can I read some?” Kaitlyn was practically bouncing, but then she stopped for a moment, “Only if you're comfortable with showing, that is” “Sure, I can show you a few,” Atina giggled. Kaitlyn snapped back excitedly as she followed Atina to her room. Atina was interested in how quickly Kaitlyn was to change between emotions. Just a few minutes ago she was practically sobbing in the arms of a stranger, now here she was excited to read poetry from this stranger. Atina pulled a notebook out of one of her drawers and handed it to Kaitlyn, who began to flip through the notebook of poems and the words that Atina used to express herself. Then Atina realized that she just gave her notebook full of her emotions and thoughts, that she had never shown to anyone, to this girl she had just met. Atina was quickly pulled from her worries and she heard Kaitlyn humming. Atina watched as Kaitlyn read the words on the page and hummed before Kaitlyn looked back up to Atina. She felt her cheeks grow warm as she met Kaitlyn's eyes. “Oh I'm sorry, I just thought this poem would be really good as a song” Kaitlyn apologized. She began to hand the notebook back to Atina before she stopped her. “You just made that up to my poem?” Atina asked impressed “Oh yeah, I write music but I've always struggled with finding words for the songs I write.” “Well, since I showed you my notebook, do you think you could show me some of your songs?” Atina asked, not entirely sure why she was so interested in Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn lit up again “Of Course, and maybe we could write some songs together” Atina smiled at her “I would love to” The two girls stared at each other and smiled, both lost in each other. They had just met and even with the circumstances, they both felt drawn together. Then, they both jumped at the sound of a phone notification, snapping them out of their little world. Kaitlyn reached into her pocket for her phone and frowned as she saw a message from Ethan, one of Nick's friends. The message was Nick texting from Ethan's phone, saying he had forgotten his phone and keys at her apartment. Atina saw Kaitlyn's emotions begin to change again, as it looked like she was just tearing up from remembering Nick. “What do we do about Nick?” Atina asked Kaitlyn Kaitlyn just stared at her phone and said nothing. Atina was about to ask again to make sure she heard her, but Kaitlyn cut her off. “Do you want to stay with me?” Atina was surprised by the question “What?!” “Well since Nick is a jerk, I figured you wouldn't want to stay with him anymore, and instead of kicking him out, you could just come to stay with me,” Kaitlyn explained Atina stared at her, unsure of how to answer. Kaitlyn saw her hesitation “sorry I know this is quick and we just met and everything, you don't have to I'm sorry for asking-” “Let's do it,” Atina said confidently. Her head thought it was crazy that she was about to go stay with the girl her boyfriend was cheating on her with, but still, she was drawn to Kaitlyn and wanted to learn more about her. Kaitlyn's eyes lit up again “Really?!” “Yeah,” Atina laughed. “Screw Nick” Both the girls laughed at each other, bonding over their terrible boyfriend. Ex Boyfriend. Atina gathered her things and called her landlord to have herself removed from the lease. She stopped and wrote a short note to Nick telling him that she was leaving and never wanted to see him again. When she was finished writing, she signed it and handed the letter to Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn read over it and then signed her name next to Atinas. They placed the note on the counter for Nick to see when he got home along with his keys. Atina took a final look around the apartment, to make sure she had everything and to reminisce. “You ready?” Kaitlyn asked “I have to do one more thing” Atina replied as she walked over to the drum set in the corner of the room. She picked up the drumsticks, and she swiftly began stabbing them into the different drum pieces. After all of the pieces had been successfully ruined, she gave a satisfied sigh and turned back to Kaitlyn. “Now I'm ready,” she said with a smile that Kaitlyn returned. She grabbed Kaitlyn's hand and they walked out the door of the apartment.

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