September 20, 2022
By Anonymous

                                                THE REAL WORLD

Friday night 8:30pm Rodney and Eli were hanging out in front of Rodney’s house. They were talking about how Rodney’s girlfriend is pregnant. They were expecting a boy in two months Rodney was excited to be a father even though he was only 19 for six months. That wasn’t stopping him from becoming the best dad and give his child a better childhood then his own. As they were talking, they see a strange man wearing all black with white shoes and a hoodie. It wasn’t the man that was strange to them it was the fact that he was wearing hoodie and sweatpants in the middle of summer. But they didn’t think twice about it as they continued, they’re conversation Eli then gets a text from a friend he hasn’t talked to in years the text red “u and Rodney meet me at the 7/11 down the street”. After seeing the text Rodney asked why his face looked puzzled Eli says “lets go to the gas station really quick” without thinking they started walking. They get to the store and stood outside Rodney and Eli were confused on why they were there but then Eli remembers his moms needed some water bottles for her house he runs into the store while Rodney stays outside. As Eli waits in line to pay he looks at the big window slightly behind where he was standing. he watches as two big suvs all blacked out pull into the gas station but not all the way in. Two guys in the same blacked out cloths jump out and what sounded like explosions where 10 gunshots in a rapid-fire zip through the air. In a blink of an eye, he runs to the back of the store and waited for the screeching tires to drive off. After it was clear he runs outside to the front of the store and finds his friend face to the floor with three red marks bleeding through the back of his white t shirt.  Within minutes red, white, and blue lights flash from a distance siren screaming the echo of gun shots still ringing in Elis ears. As he stood there in shock five paramedics and a hand full of police officers arrive at the scene. As he watches the paramedics put his friend in a black body bag. Two police officers not in a regular uniform but in coats that read “FBI” try asking him questions, but he was still in such a shock his brain couldn’t form not a single thought.  The officers understand and take him home as the police car was cursing down the street Eli looks out the window and sees everyone in their pajamas standing outside watching the car riding by.  They get to his mom’s house and as he steps out he hears a yelp from next door…it was Rodney’s mom and girlfriend on the floor looking into the sky begging god to give back her son. A tear rose from beneath the eye and slowly spilled out the bottom eye lid he wipes it away quickly before it could reach the bottom of his face. The streak of his tear stood out he finally gets out of the police car and walks up the porch stairs and hugs his mother standing there in the doorway. He puts his head in her arms and lets out enough tears to flood the street. She walks him to his room where he sits in disbelief teary eyes still running like if the kitchen foist was left on. Even though Eli could barely keep his eyes open he refused to lay down he sits on the edge of his bed for the remainder of the night. A slim beam of light shines brightly through the crevasse of the blinds in his room he stared and thought of what happened gun shots ringing through his head. Eli finally stands up from his bed suddenly, he gets a rush of anger he grabs the pistol from under his pillow and rushes towards the door. He swung it open with a full head of steam but before he could make it out the front door the same two cops from last night were standing there waiting for Eli. They see what was in his hand and take precaution the officer on the right talks him down into giving the firearm to him and Eli complies.  The officer reaches for the weapon but before he could get his hand on the gun Eli pulls back and runs towards the officers all blacked car. The keys were in the car he then pulls out of the driveway as fast as he could Eli hears the officer radioing in the situation. As he drives through the streets, he can hear the radio chatter talking about him “the subject is north bound”. As he’s driving through the city of Houston, he sees the SUVs from last night broad day light parked in front of a local store. Eli slowly pulls in the parking lot he throws on his hoodie grabs his weapon and hops out the car in a discreet manner. He creeps up on the car under the window enough for the target to not see him the window of the car suddenly rolls down his heart drop a million thoughts running through his mind. He holds his breath jumps up with a mag of 12 round all of them gone withing 10 seconds the second suv pulls away quickly. Eli stood there in shock he looks into the car and see 4 men nonresponsive he opens the door of the car and a wallet falls out. He picks it up and looks in it…it was his old friend the on that sent him the text message to meet at the gas station last night before Rodney was killed. He sits there for another 5 seconds his world turned quiet complete silence until the sirens start whaling, he doesn’t move an inch. 6 cop cars and a helicopter arrive to the scene Eli still standing there with the evidence in his hands. He comes back to the real world and sees almost 12 police officers with they’re weapons draw towards him. Without thinking Eli slowly raises his pistol with his finger on the trigger before he could even think about shooting 4 shots go off. In slow motion Elis body falls to the floor. Elis mother pulls into the drive way of her home she goes inside and does her normal routine but doesn’t check Elis room.  She makes a cup of tea and turns on the tv the news channel was on the reporter read from her paper “today in Houston 19-year-old Eli Tomas was shot by police after committing 4 counts of murder. The suspect led police on a chase to the crime scene. Around 10:30am he was pronounced dead.”  The cup falls out the hands of a childless mother.

The author's comments:

something about is i wrote this whole story in 5 minuets.  

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