J.J's Golden Ring | Teen Ink

J.J's Golden Ring

September 12, 2022
By mv0402715 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
mv0402715 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

JJ Golden Ring

“Fila we have a ring of security thirty meters from here and  another one fifteen meter,” said one of many security guards of Filas. Everything was falling into plan for JJ, Fila was out of control, when he wasn't partying he was just as high.. Worse yet he was paranoid and scared they were catching onto him. This day he was “higher than his ego,” according to JJ. 

“Hello I would like to report a noise complaint, yes there is someone around Calle del Olivo past the last bus stop, sounds like a party but I hear shots they sound armed.”

“May I ask who is calling?.... Hello?” Police arrive to the first security ring. “How are we doing today gentelmen,” exclaims the cop while getting out of the vehicle. The guards said nothing but opened the gate and ran. The cops were confused usually they have to fight them to even talk to them let alone open the gate. None the less the cops advanced to the second ring of security. Closing in on the second gate it was already open and the soldiers were no longer there as if they ran and left their guns on the floor.

At this point the general in charge of the operation knew what was happening, it happened quite often. General Martinez knew there was a rat involved but this time it was different. At this point everything was going as planned for Fila, all there was left was to wait.The radio starts playing in the background

“Last minute news Estantey  AKA Fila has been captured under one of his properties having a party, a very unexpected but successful triumph for the police.” “Now that you're in custody of the police and know you were ratted out, are you ready to work with us? Who do you work with? Is it J.J?” The police were swarming him with questions trying to get anything possible from him.

“You know if you help us you can stay here, if not you're getting put in a white cell and you ain't never coming out of there.”

“I'm not saying a word until I know my family is safe.,” Fila knew if he said anything they were coming for his whole blood line.”

“You and your family will be fine they will have guards with them at all times.'' The Mexican police were very unfaithful people; they didn’t complete promises.

“What's in it for me? I would rather guarantee my family's safety and stay shut, I don't care what dump they put me in.” Fila wasn’t dumb he knew how to sell himself hell he moved so much product along the south west he knew what tricks to pull out of his sleeve.

Fila sold his knowledge to the police for 5 years of prison and protection of his family. 

“J.J did you hear?” One of J.Js body guards hated Fila because he was threatened by him once, now he heard he's a rat and he's dying to kill him.

“I heard, you know what I want you to do… rats don't live”

Chili, J.J’s right hand man was already contacting his prison friends. 

Radio cuts on and last minute news comes on.

“Last minute news treaty was signed with the president of the United States to extradite drug inflicted criminals with routes to the U.S to prisons in the U.S, Fila is being extradited to the U.S sentencing a life sentence."

The author's comments:

I want to develop better writing skills.

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