Saviors of Crime | Teen Ink

Saviors of Crime

September 12, 2022
By db0310692 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
db0310692 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Knowing how dangerous New York can be me and my friends decide to help stop crime. The four decide to meet up at Ray’s house before they begin. Once they all meet up they prepare a plan. “Alright, we need to figure out how we are going to do this.” “I feel like if we see someone sketchy we should call the cops if necessary.” “That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard, what is we hurt an innocent person?” Noah keeps dawdling and it takes them two horse to cearte the plan. “ Are you boys ready to go out and be the “Saviors of New York?” 

     The boys went out to the street of New York searching for people to help. Andres starts complaining about how his feet hurts. “We have been searching fo hours and we have not found anyone doing any crimes.” “Can we just leave or go pick up something to eat?” Carlos and Ray get mad at Andres because he is the antithesis of them. “We have been out here all day, and we have found NOBODY!” “Carlos les just search this last last part of the city, and after lets go back to Ray’s house.” “Ok, fine this is the last one for today, bu if we don’t find nobody you have to get us food.” “Why do I have to buy you anything?” “You have been causing us trouble all day with your complaining.”

     Noah has not been taking this serious, and donesn’t care about other people. While Ray and Carlos are austere when it comes to this.”Alright we have jus a few more buildings to look at before we leave.” “Thank the lord above, I really do’t want to do this again.” “Then why did you decide to join us then?” Andres thought he was just going to play around all day while they do all the work. “I was hoping y’all did all the work for me.” Noah noticed someone wearing all black walking up to a building. “Guys look at that guy walking over there.” “We should exacerbate him.” “Why would we do that we don’t know if he has a weapon on him, we should just follow him.”  They were really confused on why this guy was going around all by himself fully covered up. It was really hot outside because it was summer at this time. So this person was up to no good. “Look he just went in that building, we should follow him.” “ Are you crazy, what if we get hurt or trapped inside.”

     They started thinking if they should follow him inside or just leace him alone. “We should follow him inside becore we leave it’s kind of weird seeing someone wearing that.” “Ok lets get close if the door is unlocked we can sneak around.” The big building gave off a scary vibe to them, so they were certain he was doing something illegal. “This building gives off a weird felling.” “Look he went inside the building, I think we should follow him inside.” “Ray go in first, I’m to scared to go.” “Stop being such a coward and lets go.”

    After talking about what they are about to do they take their first steps in the building. “We are in boys, Noah did you bring the flashlight?” ‘I forgot I was supposed to bring a flash light.” “Wow, you had one job and you can’t do that.” Once they got in the building thye realized without a light they coould not see anything, it was pitch black. “Watch your step try not to knock anything over, or else they are going to know people are here.” The building looks abandoned, and all the rooms have trash and rusty metal on the floor.”

     They walk around the building, and so far there is nothing. Andres feels like they wanted their whole day for nothing. After looking around for a while Andres found a room that had a weird smell. He had no clue what it was because there was no light anywhere in the building. They look around the room for a light source and find a lamp in the corner, they turn it on and in the room there were drugs over the floor. “Guys we were right that guy was doing something illegal, what should we do?” “Are you dumb, we should obviously call the cops this is an emergancy.” “Carlos call the police and give them our location.” 

     Noah looking around the room a little more but knocks down an empty can, which causes a lot of noise. “Noah why are you so dumb, someone for sure heard that.” Noah’s clumsness has gotten them exposed and  they’re not prepared for this situation. “Do you guys hear that?” “Somebody is coming turn off the lights and hide.” The footsteps get louder and louder before they stop and someone peaks around the corner of the door. They can’t see his face because there is no light and they’re really confident they are safe with the lights off. But the person that checked the room had a flashlight and they were spotted. 

     They look at the person with the flashlight and they realized it was Jesus and he was the last person they expected to do this. “Jesus why are you doing this, you were always the good kid.” Jesus wasn’t expecting to find his friends in here but now they know what he has been doing. “I’m only doing this for the money my family is poor and I want to help them pay for the house and provide for them.” “I can’t let y’all get away now it would ruin everything I have have worked for.” “It doesn’t matter what yall do, just wait patiently and I will be back with a few friends.” Jesus has trapped them in the room and they have to come up with an escape plan quick before Jesus gets back. “We need to escape fast I have already called the cops but they will not get here fast enough.” “Look there is a window here, Carlos try to break it with your fists.” “What do you think I can do with my fists I’m not hulk, Andres you give it a try you’re stronger.” Andres’s punch does nothing to the window and now they’re running out of time. “Use the lamp to break the window.” 

     The lamp is able to break the window, but Noah gets his foot stuck under the metal. “Guys help me I can’t get my foot out from under the metal quick.” “Andres can you try and pick up just a little it will be enough for me to get my foot out.” “Ok I will try after we need to go through the window quick and run as far as we can.” Andres helps noah and they all take off from the window and wait until the police get there. After the police got there they had to explain everything the found in the building. Jesus came out of the building with handcuffs around his hands. They had a group of police officers enter the building to arrest everyone of the people in there. They now believe some of their other friends might be hiding something from them so they have to be extra careful with people they meet.

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Teenager in Texas

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