Please! Give some respect (True Story) | Teen Ink

Please! Give some respect (True Story)

July 13, 2022
By Anonymous

(This is a true story, and the identities have been changed and hidden. Sometimes it may be disturbing. However, don’t insult anyone if something like this happens.)


It was a dark moment in our country. Everyone was protesting against the corrupt family, and it was a mission to kick the president as well as the whole family out of power.

So, my best friend Bessie and I went to the protest with Bessie’s cousin and aunt in the main city in the country. We departed from the train, and all of a sudden, Aunt Bessie wanted to use the washroom because of a stomachache. So, as she wanted to use the washroom on the train, three of us, including her daughter, waited for her in the same compartment. We arrived at the place of protest. Things were going great and we were certainly energetic as we shouted out the slogans with the massive crowd. Regardless, while standing among the crowd for more than 5 hours, my friend Bessie told me, her aunt as well as her cousin that she had a stomachache. Then her aunt and cousin started to laugh. I was like, seriously? What do you mean? This is an emergency!!! I could see that Bessie was in discomfort and she was about to cry. I tried to help her find a washroom. But where? She started to clap in sync with the crowd to hide her pain and embarrassment. Frankly, she was the one who held our hands so that we wouldn’t get lost in the massive crowd because she was taller than us. Bessie carried the bag of her cousin sister. Bess looked so pale, and she was standing still glaring at me. And I suggested she come with me to a washroom at a 5-star hotel (they were accommodating outsiders because of the protest). We went there and she was about to faint. Unfortunately, there was a long queue in the washroom. However, a few ladies let her come in front. One more lady was there, and she told Bessie to wait until she was done with her requirements. Regrettably, Bessie had gotten the faecal matter on her clothes. I was so sad and felt awful for her. She had no extra undergarments or clothes. The queue was increasing and there was no water, no soap, no toilet paper. I could hear her trembling voice. Her cousin's sister was looking at the phone. Seriously, is that what a sister would do even though she's a cousin sister? What a shame! Meanwhile, Bess was asking for water. I and a lady gave her enough water from the sinks outside. She told me that the toilet was not flushing. Nevertheless, she's strong as always, and she managed herself. I looked at the ladies in the queue. They were angry. It is fair to get angry while waiting to use the restroom. They were teasing her. When Bessie came out She looked so frustrated. One lady and a young woman came to us and encouraged Bessie not to be humiliated and that these kinds of accidents can occur to anyone. We felt so helpful and secure. Still, her cousin's sister is on the phone. I got angry and I asked, "What is she doing?" I realised that there wouldn't be any changes from her lame answers. We went back to her aunt and explained what happened. I'm sorry but not sorry to say this; her aunt and sister were ridiculously dumb. And all of a sudden, her aunt said, "I told you to stay at home." You put your nose in our business. I mean, doesn't she have a heart? My dear Bessie looked down and walked to me. I stayed with her. We had to hurry back to catch a train again. Bessie was walking alone before me, staring at the ground. I went to her and held her hand. because I never wanted to make her feel strange and painful. I heard Bessie apologized to her cousin and aunt for the previous incident at the railway station. I stated that there was no need to apologize for what had occurred. After arriving at Bessie's aunt’s place, Gosh! That aunt was laughing her lungs out at Bessie. I had enough courage to talk to her. I said, "Excuse me! Did we laugh at you when you had a stomachache? You are a mom to Bessie’s cousin, and here you are laughing at an accident that occurred to the daughter of your sister! Shame on you, ma’am! Stop it!! "

And then the problem went a little further.

However, what I wanted to say is, if something happens like this, don’t look down on those who are suffering like they are a joke. They don’t need your empathy except for the support. Please don’t be rude and stop making yourself look like a dumb and lame soul. Nature and diseases can call at any time and from any gender.

Help one another and keep an eye out for one another!!

Thank you.

The author's comments:

This is a true story that happened. Please note that all the identities have been hidden because of privacy. 
Love everyone!!
Be a mirror 🪞 

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