December | Teen Ink


June 2, 2022
By Anonymous

As the days continue to be shortened and the nights become longer, winter approaches and it only becomes more and more harsh as the time goes on. The wind howls as it scrapes past the houses and trees, and the grass is now decorated in powdered snow. The roads are covered in a thin ice barrier, and the people of the town have been advised to stay inside. But, most people don’t appreciate the true beauty of the snow. Parents will be cautious and stay inside, huddled around the fireplace; however, the children are outside, soaking everything in. 

          Children are outside, laughing, giggling, and playing. They are so happy that they can explore this Winter Wonderland rather than go to school. The snowflakes continue to flutter and dance around the children as they sing and dance back. The parents watch from the house, cozied up next to the fire. As the parents see their tired children come back, they heat hot chocolate for them upon their return.

          The frigid drops of snow continue to fall in an amazing and awe-striking burst of white. The smell of the hot chocolate and fresh snow is the comfort that winter is here. The beauty of watching the sky pour out a never-ending white cloud is amazing. But eventually, everyone becomes tired of the snow, and they return back inside to the warm shelter of the fire. 

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