Sea Yongs Story | Teen Ink

Sea Yongs Story

November 3, 2021
By Anonymous


Dear diary, today I was at the store. He was the cashier at the store. I was so scared. I tried to stay in line and be strong but I just couldn't do it. What really set me off was that he had the nerve to say “You look familiar”. I just wanted to spit in his face and say “ yeah I know you're the one who robbed the laundromat. I'm the person you kicked and screamed at but I did not have the nerve to do that. I regretted not doing it though. I was so scared I was having so many scary flashbacks of that day. It was just too hard to try to talk to him like nothing happened because something did happen. He ruined my life. I can not get that moment out of my head.

She gets the guts to go say hi to a few people then she sees sam picking some pumpkins so she goes over to her she says “Hi sam can I help you pick some pumpkins I just planted some hot peppers so i have nothing to do right now” 

sam says “No sorry this is my project but maybe you can ask someone else,”

she says “Ok have a good day any ways”

she was tempted not to ask someone else if she could help but then she saw kim she said to herself “should i take the chance I guess so” 

when she gets over to kim. Kim said “hi can you help me i have a lot to pick if your not to busy” 

she says “yes of course i'll help i just planted some hot peppers today. 

“I won't have anything to to for a couple of days i can come over everyday if you want the help” 

kim said 

“yes you can come over and help but when you pick lima beans are hard to pick i'll show you”

. Then they were best friends from that day on. 

The next day she walked into the store with her head up high like she was not scared of anything. In her head she kept saying she was invincible and no one could hurt her. She tossed a head of lettuce into the shopping cart like it was a basketball and the shopping cart was the hoop. She went to the laundromat after she went to go celect the quarters out the the dryer and washers and one of her worker yelled at her and said”why are you stealing money i'm going to call the cops”

then she said “no don't call the cops im sae young the owner of this laundromat” 

the worker said” no your not sae young is afraid to come out of her house she has locked herself in her house sense the incident”

she is like “not even to go get my own groceries the garden makes me feel safe” 

then the worker said “ok i believe you have a good day”

 then she went to go help kim pick her lima beans. she went to go check on her plants and there was a group of people there waiting for her to get there she said “why do you all have shovels and surrounding my garden”

kim stepped up and said “we are here to help you expand your garden”

 she said “thank you i am actually doing this garden for my husband that died” they all said “well then in memory if your husband” 

“thank you all”

she said and they all started to garden. They all started to sing a gardening song. After everyone piled out of the community garden it was just me and kim. Kim said ”you are very tall how tall are you”

She said “i'm 6.6”

Then kim said “no way you are tall your hair looks really healthy and beautiful”

She said ”thank you it is a dirty blonde”

Kim said “i know  my hair is kinda the same color”

She said “yeah it kinda is but i have to go home and sleep so i can get some rest so ill come and help you tomorrow good night”

Kim said “good night and i'll see you tomorrow”.

                3 weeks later 

She did her normal loop when she got to the garden she saw she had some baby hot peppers were coming in she went to go get some water she saw kim at the water station she said “come look at my garden I have some baby peppers growing”

So after they both got water they went over to her garden and kim said “They look nice and healthy” 

She said “Thank you this is my first time planting anything i'm surprised they even sprouted” 

Kim said “Maybe it is your husband's spirit helping to grow them”

She said “Maybe ok well i have you go shopping i need some groceries”

Kim goes with her to the grocery store.  Sae Young walks towards the check out lane.  There’s a line, so she has to wait and prolong the torture of being at the store around all of these people.  The line moves forward, and she looks up (finally able to see the very front) and her heart stops. It was him. I remember that curly hair and very tall scary guy. I faintly heard Kim say move up I took one step and then she said 

“Hi did you find everything ok” she couldn't handle it any more she ran out the door and sat in the car in shock. Then I saw Kim running out of the store and got in the car right as she got in the car”she said 

“Are you ok “ I said

 “No im not ok that was the guy that kicked and attacked me at the shop with a gun he pushed me to the ground and started kicking me then he ran away with all my money that is why I stayed in the apartment for 2 months and did not leave” 

“Oh I am so sorry” Kim said 

“Can you please bring me home”said sae young Kim said 

“Ok I'll bring you home but what about the groceries” she said 

“Please just bring me home”

So Kim did.

I was so scared. I tried to stay in line and be strong but I just couldn't do it. What really set me off was that he had the nerve to say “You look familiar”. I just wanted to spit in his face and say “ yeah I know you're the one who robbed the laundromat. I'm the person you kicked and screamed at but I did not have the nerve to do that. I regretted not doing it though. I was so scared I was having so many scary flashbacks of that day. It was just too hard to try to talk to him like nothing happened because something did happen. He ruined my life. I can not get that moment out of my head. Sae yong said “ I'm tired now I'm going to bed”. So she went to bed. A few minutes later she heard TAP TAP TAP at the window. So she crawled out of bed like a sloth moving from tree branch to tree branch. She pulled the curtain over and looked. She was shocked how he knew where she lived. Her face was frozen like a statue.

The End 

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