Life is like a roller coaster! | Teen Ink

Life is like a roller coaster!

October 26, 2021
By Anonymous

For this set piece, I wanted to try repetition and symbolism. You will notice a phrase being repeated constantly and turned into a symbol at the end of the story. These literary devices are unique because it gives that phrase more meaning than anyone thought it had.

Life is like a roller coaster. You start off by waking up in the morning and heading to work already being late. You realize that you forgot your lunch. Life is like a roller coaster. You head to work being 15 minutes late, Realizing that your boss will be furious at you. You head to work and get started. You realize you didn’t finish a massive project. Even though you tried to convince your boss to not fire you. He still says,“You’re fired, get out of my office right now”. Life is like a roller coaster. 

You start to pack up your things and take a glance at the office one final time. You open the cold gray door and leave. Life is like a roller coaster. As you’re shuffling through your backpack you realize you forgot your keys at the office. Life is like a roller coaster. You grab your keys from the office and come back. You open the door, and take a seat on your brand- new sofa and start to think “What am I going to do if I don’t have a job?No money, no food, no shelter.” Nothing. You start to sob thinking your life is over. Life is like a roller coaster cause sometimes you will be at your highest and sometimes you will be at your lowest but don’t judge yourself when you’re at your lowest because you will get better.

The author's comments:

I love to paint

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