Wonder | Teen Ink


October 29, 2019
By Anonymous

He wandered off into the future. Thinking of what job he will get or a family he might have. He thought about his dream house and cars. But he traveled back into the present, telling himself it won’t happen until he finished his set pieces. He looked back into his brain finding different experiences to scribble down, but he found himself in the present. He thought about his time at his grandparents’ house playing with his siblings, watching television, eating their grandmother’s food, and then repeating. He thought about how lucky he was to be learning in Cupertino, the home of many software engineers. He thought about his childhood and was grateful he wasn’t too spoiled or too poor. He was grateful of what his mother taught him. The good old days, he thought. He was getting overwhelmed by his memories so he decided to look for problems to write about. His mind automatically went to global warming, but then thought it was too overused. He took a turn from nature and went to technology. He thought of his cousins who were attached to their iPads 24/7. If he were born 5 years later, his world would have been surrounded by technology. He felt lucky he didn’t end up like his cousins. Then he wondered if he had kids. He wondered if they would be engulfed by technology. He wondered how he could make their childhood a good one.

The author's comments:

This was a kind of practice and I wanted to see how my work does. I practiced different concepts. I tried to travel back and forth through the present, past, and future. I also tried to use “he” instead of “I”. I also used repetition using “He wondered” or “He thought” a bunch of times.

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