The Girl Who Lived Forever | Teen Ink

The Girl Who Lived Forever

October 28, 2019
By Anonymous

There once was a girl who never died. There is only one way to die, but she never figured it out. She was born in 300 A.D. She was happy. She had her family and friends by her side, but her friends and family eventually died and she was left to live by herself forever. She had seen plagues, Columbus sailing the ocean, colonization of America, major wars, Alexander Hamilton’s death, great inventions, and great discoveries. But she couldn’t start a family or make new friends because she would have to see them live their lives and eventually die. In 2019, she wanted to start a family, but whoever she dated ended up breaking her heart or dying in a freak accident. She would always be alone again. 

Now it is the year 2131. She is now 1831 years old. She has seen many families and many groups of friends move on while she is stuck alone with no one to love. Everyone has gone and left her to be all alone. One day, she gives up on being alone. She decides to join her family and go on a walk. She goes outside to her nearest subway, waits for the next train, and walks right in front of the moving train. She was never heard from again.

The author's comments:

This piece relates to people who suffer from mental illness that leads to suicidal thoughts.

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