My Brother | Teen Ink

My Brother

October 22, 2019
By Donqbo BRONZE, San Lorenzo, California
Donqbo BRONZE, San Lorenzo, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I run, the smell of burning wood and ash fill my nose.  My eyes widen as I'm met with the cabin on fire. “Shaun, are you there?” I shout as I run near it. Lightning comes crashing down onto the antennas of the cabin with a thunderous crack. From inside the cabin, something explodes making the flames get larger, flinging pieces of wood in my direction. I raise my hands to protect my face as I slowly back away. The sound of splintering wood fill my ears before I’m suddenly knocked down onto my back.

My eyes face the night sky and trees. As I attempt to move, pain goes through my chest and arms. I see the fire pass onto more trees. My head starts to hurt and as my breathing becomes erratic. I try to keep my eyes open as I stare into the sky.

Trees fall, ashes float above me, the sky turning red and orange. The fire continues to spread and rage on, my eyes start to feel heavy. I try to stay awake but soon I lose my vision.

In my mind, I float in a sea of darkness. I look back on the past, on my life. I’ve have always acted as Shaun’s older sibling. When I first met him, he was a younger kid sitting alone during recess, I felt bad form him so I tried to cheer him up. It worked and we’ve been friends ever since.

After a while I started to hear a voice. “Yasha!” It’s Shaun’s voice, “Wake up, please!” His voice sounded distant and it echoed. My surroundings change from the darkness to the inside of the cabin. I hear his voice again, “We’re getting you help, just wake up please!” Shaun says. 

Suddenly I hear a crackling sound behind me, I start to feel a pain in my chest as if something was tightening around me. I turn see flames rush toward me, everything goes dark.

As I slowly open my eyes, I’m faced with a white ceiling. Slowly sitting up and I look around the room. I look down on myself, noticing the bandages around my chest, torso and arms. Out the window I see the forest and smoke reaching into the sky. The sun rises over it as continues to burn. In the corner of the room is a tv showing a news report on the fire. 

Hearing the door open near me, I look over and see Shaun.  

“You’re awake!” He says, he wipes his eyes on his sleeve as he walks towards me. “The doctor told me that you just have bruises slight burns and no broken bones, you can leave soon.” 

“What happened last night?” I ask.

“You were pinned under a tree, I was able to get you out but,” Shaun looks down and shows me his bandaged hands, “I kinda burned my hands.” 

“At least you’re okay,” I tell him, he suddenly hugs me tightly, “Dude, I’m fine, sorry for making you worried.” He lets go, he looks at me and says.

“I should be the one whose sorry, I ran away from home, you followed me and then the fire...” His head points downward.

“We’re both alive, we didn’t become roasted teens.” I tell him in a joking manner.

“How can you be so cheery after being hospitalized?” He asks me. I look at him and tell him.

“I’ve lived my life with a smile on face. You know I always try to make others happy, it’s how I met you.” 

“Yeah, I guess. Thanks for caring enough about me to literally go through that inferno to find me.” Shaun said, I notice a small smile on his face.

Shaun and I continue having a conversation for the rest of the morning. After a while, I was allowed to go. Shaun helped me through the hall. I’m thankful to be his friend, since childhood until now, we’ve been close. He’s my best friend.

My Brother.

The author's comments:

My name is Jaiden F., I am a currently a highschool student in California. I am a varsity wrestler at my highschool. When I make stories, they are usually based off of my dreams. This started started off small the I added a few more details. Later on I got this.

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