The Three Little Pigs Who Ban | Teen Ink

The Three Little Pigs Who Ban

October 15, 2019
By Triciam7 BRONZE, Saugus, Massachusetts
Triciam7 BRONZE, Saugus, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once Upon A Time there were three little pigs. The three pigs were publishing articles about figuring out a way to ban all vaping products from the state of Massachusetts. The first little pig was in his straw house working with his group of writers, they were lazy and decided not to ban vaping products at all. The second pig was working in his house made of sticks with his group of writers and they realized the slight dangers of vaping and decided to ban all products for only one month. The third little pig was the governor of the state he was in his brick house and really wanted everyone to stay safe and so his group of writers decided to make some changes and ban all vaping products for four months.

The next day there was a wolf walking by who happened to overhear the conversation of banning vaping products. He went immediately to the straw house and knocked politely and thanked the first pig and his writers for not wanting to ban the products. 

The wolf continued on to the second house, which was made of sticks. He overheard the second pig and his group of writers talking about banning vaping products for one month.

 He did not like this idea so he knocked on the door and said, “little pigs, little pigs, let me in!” in which the pigs responded, “not by the hair of our chinny chin chins”. “Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in” said the wolf. 

The wolf attempted to blow down the stick house and after three tries, he was successful. He was screaming at the little pigs, but they got away

The pigs were scared, they knew the wolf wasn’t happy about their idea of banning vaping products. The wolf later stumbled up to the brick house, he knew they wanted to ban vaping products for four months. The wolf was not happy at all. 

The wolf finally knocked on the brick house’s door and said, “Little pigs, little pigs, let me in”, “not by the hairs on our chinny chin chin,” repeated the three pigs. 

The wolf then huffed and puffed and huffed and huffed and puffed and puffed until he couldn’t breathe anymore. 

The wolf sat and thought, “If I wasn’t vaping I may have actually been able to blow down the brick house.” 

The wolf decided to give up, he didn’t have the energy to continue on with the pigs. He walked away with the thought that, maybe it would be a good thing for him to stop vaping.

The wolf went off with his thoughts, and the pigs were not bothered again so they all lived happily ever after.

The author's comments:

I created this piece to make a point of how serious vaping can be. It was an assignment in my English class to incorporate a fairy tale into a realistic problem in society. I used the Massachusetts ban of all vaping products for four months. I wanted this assignment to make a point. Too many people have gotten very sick and recently, many people have died due too vaping. There have always been warnings of smoking in general, but vaping is so popular now and something has to change. My hope is to make a change and for this piece to spread a message of the dangers of vaping.

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