The Summer In The Pool | Teen Ink

The Summer In The Pool

October 14, 2019
By Anonymous

Kellie couldn’t wait. She was so excited to go to her uncle and aunts house in San Diego! Kellie and her family lived in St. George so she didn’t get to see her uncle and aunt very often but ever since about five years ago they had been going over and staying with them for part of the summer. This year Kellie’s family wasn’t going to stay as long for some reason that Kellie didn’t know, but she still couldn’t wait to jump into their huge pool when she got there! 


Kellie finished packing and grabbed her pillow and her bag with all her books and coloring stuff so she wouldn’t be bored on the way there. She started helping her dad put the stuff in the back of their car and then made herself a smoothie for breakfast. Then she helped her mom wrestle the twins out of their pajamas and then she grabbed her smoothie and one of the twins to put in the car. After buckling Sophie and Kaden (the twins) into their seats Kellie got into the back row of seats because Erik her older brother told her that he would kick her seat if he had to sit in the back. Little did he know that’s exactly what she was going to do to him. Once Kellie’s dad started driving everything went by really slowly because she was too excited.


Kellie and her family arrived at the huge mansion that was their uncle and aunts house a little after lunch. Kellie stared out of her car window at the huge house. Every time she was amazed at how beautiful it was. With its two giant staircases leading up to the biggest oak door ever. The windows were so huge and inside you could see chandeliers and so many rooms that they couldn’t all be being used right now. Kellie had to crane her neck back just to see the top of the building. It was made of expensive stone and was just so extravagant that she couldn’t believe anyone had enough money to build a house like it.  But her aunt was the CEO of a really famous company. Kellie didn’t realize everyone was already out of the car so she hopped out and grabbed her backpack out of the open trunk. She turned around expecting a huge front lawn covered in carefully cut bushes but Uncle Dan must have got sick of them because instead there was a huge water fountain that was currently shooting water up in the air so high and other spouts of water splashing up and down in a pattern that made it look like the water was bouncing. Kellie decided to ask if she could swim in the pool right after she gave her uncle and aunt huge hug.


“Mom can I get in the pool now?” Kellie asked.


“Not until you put on sunscreen and wait 5 minutes for it to dry,” her mom yelled back from the kitchen. Kellie grumbled and then changed into her swimsuit and then grabbed her towel, she ran outside to set her towel down so she could slap on some sunscreen as soon as possible but Erik was already using it. Great, just great! Kellie thought. 


“Would you please hurry up?!” Kellie wined.


“You know that because you said that I am going to take my time,” he said. After waiting for what felt like hours Kellie finally got on some sunscreen and then waited for another long eternity. Kellie and Erik raced to the pool and dived in once they waited long enough. She had so much fun playing in the water and before she knew it her dad was calling them in for dinner.


The next day Kellie had to wake up a little earlier than usual because they all decided to go to the beach while their uncle and aunt were at work. Kellie had to make sandwiches for everyone and find all the beach toys and put them in a bag. She helped her brother load up the towles and cooler right before the family hopped into the car to drive to the beach. Kellie was excited to go to the beach because it was a really sunny day and she loved to go shopping at all the stores after. Once they had gotten a nice spot and Erik had been assigned to take care of the twins for the first half hour Kellie relaxed on her towel and soaked up some sun. Her parents must have thought she was asleep because the stopped whispering and started talking about how someone was moving. Kellie didn’t know who so she listened carefully so she could find out. Pretty soon her father said,


“I hope the kids won’t be bummed about them moving. We’ve been staying out there house every summer for such a long time! And the kids love Dan and Marie.”

Wait uncle Dan and aunt Marie? But that would mean they are the ones moving! She thought. Kellie pretended to wake up and them she walked to the wet, sandy part of the beach to have some alone time but she barely formed one thought before she was tackled by two sandy monster. The twins. Erik said he had found someone to go surfing with and that his half hour was up already anyway. The rest of the day Kellie was sad because if her aunt and uncle were moving away that would mean she wouldn’t get to stay in their nice house or spend time with them during the summer. And her family couldn’t afford to stay in a hotel when visiting them! I need to know if this is actually true. Kellie decided.


Later that night Kellie snuck into her parents' room while everyone was brushing their teeth. Kellie went into her parents bathroom and asked them if her Dan and Marie really were moving. 


“They are pretty sure they are. Sorry kiddo,” her dad said.


“We can still see them when they got skiing in Park City maybe,” said her mother. After that Kellie said goodnight and went to go cry in her pillow. The next day all she wanted to do was swim away her worries which is exactly what she did until lunch. There came around a strange lady in a suit who was walking around talking to Aunt Marie about furniture and what things will look like in pictures. What? This can’t be happening! I think she’s like one of the seller lady people. Or whatever they're called! Kellie yelled to herself. She decided that she should talk to her siblings about what to do. And by sibling she meant Erik because he was the only one willing to actually listen. Erik told Kellie to “relax and take a chill pill.” and that “it’s all gonna be fine.” Kellie rolled her eyes at that. Because she was curious to find out why her uncle was deciding to sell his beautiful mansion she thought even though she was mad at them and her parents that she better ask him to see why he was getting rid of the only way they got to spend time with him.



Uncle Dan came outside to barbecue meat so Kellie got out of the pool cool, clear and blue water that dripped down her legs and back. Kellie grabbed her soft, fluffy pink towel off of the long cushioned chair, she wasn’t letting the chance to get away from her. Kellie slowly walked up to Uncle Dan. She was struggling to decide how to start her conversation.


“Hey Dan, my parents told me that you and Marie were going to sell the house. Is that true?” Kellie asked quickly.


“Yep, sorry Kells.” Uncle Dan said with a sad look on his face.


“But why?” Kellie said her voice cracking.


“Because this house is getting to be too much of a hassle for me and your aunt and besides, there are only two of us and like seven rooms! We barely have enough stuff to even put in all of them! And if it never gets used it’s sorta a waste of money don’t you think?”


“I guess.” Kellie said while wrapping her towel around her even tighter. It was started to feel chilly even though it was in the hundreds.


“But I’m starting to think that this house is never gonna sell. It’s been on the market for a long time and the reason why you guys couldn’t stay as long this year is because someone was going to check it out but they cancelled this morning. So I am actually really hoping you guys will be able to come here for one more year. Which I think could happen because of how expensive this house is…” Uncle Dan said


“Wait, really? You think we’ll get to come one more time?” Kellie said excited.


“Yep. hopefully!” 


That night it felt like Uncle Dan and Aunt Marie fed them all so much they were going to burst! It was amazing, later that evening Kellie told the rest of her family what Dan had told her. She was so excited. The next two days went by in a blur. Kellie swam, played board games, watched movies, colored and dressed the twins up in all of Aunt Marie's old jewelry. On the last day Kellie swam the whole entire day and was so sad to go to sleep in that princess bed for the last time that summer. It will be okay, because you’ll be able to come here one more time. Be grateful Kells. Kellie thought to herself before she fell into a dreamless sleep. 


The next morning felt like she was being hugged by a big teddy bear. It felt good but at the same time she couldn’t breath. It was good to be able to go home and know that she's see Uncle Dan and Aunt Marie soon but it felt like she couldn’t breathe when she said goodbye to her aunt and uncle. She was nervous for when they would have the pull out of the driveway because she might die from lack of oxygen but to her surprise that didn’t happen. Instead she felt excited and super lucky to be able to have such amazing family willing to let them come and stay in their huge house for a week because they loved to spend time with them. It felt good knowing that.

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