Family Ties | Teen Ink

Family Ties

September 30, 2019
By Anonymous

Shawn Carter was one of the best basketball players of all time. Every kid wanted to be  him and one kid did, his own son Devon Carter. Devon was only 6 when his dad died, the worst thing he ever experienced. Devon changed after his dad died, started fighting in school, not making good grades anymore. He just had all this anger built up inside because he knew who killed his dad, or so he thought.


Devon was living up to his dad’s legacy in basketball. He was so good a coach from Beverly High wanted him to play for him, of course Devon didn’t want to, but after he talked to his mom, and his best friend James he was all for it. His first day at the school didn’t go as he expected. He met this really cute girl named Bri, she was a cheerleader, and student body president. She was also smart and wealthy. Her parents were doctors, her mom was a General Surgeon and her dad was an Anesthesiologist, They live in a  big house with a big pool which was different for Devon. 

   The first day of basketball practice did not go as Devon planned, he was so used to playing point guard that it was hard for him to play shooting guard, but eventually he got the hang of it. He was fixated with finding his dad’s killer, that he started his own investigation. He interviewed everybody his dad talked to, even his gang. Shawn was in a gang out of protection growing up, when he got the opportunity to leave they were all for it. His real killer set it up as a gang shooting.

Devon believed with all his heart that his dad’s best friend and gang member, Dylan Washington AKA Diggs killed Shawn, but he never confronted him. After being at the school for a couple months he lost some of his old friends, and he started dating Bri. He is becoming a legend with basketball, but his mind is off track. He recently came from an interview with his uncle, but something his uncle said seemed weird. When Devon pulled up to his house he said “Shawn owned me money but I let it slide,” then he said “be careful with this investigation, the same thing might happen to you and we don’t want that.” Devon has been trying to figure out what he meant because of that his head wasn’t in the game and they lost. He went to his moms house and asked her if she knew what he meant, but she didn’t so he just slipped it off.

Bri and Devon started to get serious, next thing you know it was time to meet each other's parents. Devon’s mom liked Bri, she thought Bri was the right girl to level out his life, and keep him centered, but Bri’s parents were a little nervous about Devon until they met him. The way Bri described him made them think that he was just so boy from the hood that happen to play and be good at basketball. That thought quickly left their heads when they met him, he was very polite and respectful gentlemen. Bri was already dating somebody when she first met Devon, but her parents didn’t like him, they thought he was too self centered.

After talking to all of his dad’s old gang members and his dad’s best friend, Devon was right back where he started, not knowing who killed his dad. Devon started going back over everything in his head and that’s when it hit him, his uncle once told him, “if somebody owe you money you never let it slide unless he dead, even if they you still better get your money,” but when he went to talk to him about his dad he said his dad owed him money, but he let it slide. That’s not like Uncle Lewis, he wouldn’t let cousin Ray Ray slide when he owed him $100, so why would he let Shawn slide. Devon received a call from Bri saying she was pregnant, he was happy but sacred. He knew he had to confront his uncle, but he also knew that if his uncle could kill his dad he could kill him too and with a baby on the way he can’t die. He created this plan, he gathered all of his dad’s old gang members and told them who kill Shawn, but he didn’t want them to kill him, he just wanted them to scare him into confessing, so the cops can deal with him. They got a confession and sent it to the cops, Uncle Lewis got 25 to life without parole.

Devon and Bri had a baby boy, they named him Shawn after his dad. Devon continued to play basketball and got a scholarship to Duke University. He then got drafted to the Los Angeles Lakers, where he moved his now wife Bri, his son, his mom, and his brother.

The author's comments:

I wrote this based on the show All American on CW

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