Skeleton | Teen Ink


June 13, 2019
By Anonymous

Hello my names Twyla, I'm 16. I'm not the original perfect girl you suspect to have thick thighs, long beautiful hair, perfect skin, or a slim body.

I have a disorder called anorexia. It all started when I was 14, my mom noticed the symptoms when I turned 15. It's a disorder where I refuse to eat because a little voice in my head tells me not to. Trust me I wish I could eat. I wish I could be normal again. Everyone in my family looks at me like I'm a disappointment. I have kept myself in my room for a year. I haven't done anything. Go to school, go hang out with friends, go out in public, etc, you get the point. I think if my friends saw me like this they'd think I'm a freak. I still keep in contact with my friends though. They don't necessarily know exactly what's going on but they understand it I guess. I haven't told many people. Just one of my best friends Julia.

The only one who gets me and actually supports me is my uncle. He's the only one I have to talk to about these things. And of course, he always comes to see me because I don't leave the house. He comes to visit every other day, and it is nice to have company once in a while. I'm hoping he doesn't look at me like the sad disappointment that my parents seem to believe.

You're probably wondering what I do with all the wasted time in my room. I watch my favorite Netflix shows (Supernatural, Riverdale, Stranger Things, Lucifer and On My Block), play video games, clean once in a while, draw, play on my phone, and read. I don't just stay in my room all the time I go downstairs too.

Uncle Tom’s POV:

I'm on my way to see my niece Twyla. I check up on her every other day because my brother insists because she really won't talk to her own parents. She is like a daughter to me I guess. According to her mother, Twy trusts me a lot, like with her life. If someone needs to pull the plug I'm the one that needs to do it. But for now, I need to be there for her so she doesn’t end up, you know… dead? I wanna help her I do, and I try and understand everything she's going through but it is hard when your not in her head. I love Twy a lot and I don't want anything bad to happen to her. I feel sorry for her, something she doesn’t want me to do. I'm doing the best I can and she's doing the best that she can and that's what keeps me on my feet.

September 28th, 2019

The docs just put me on this new medication and I'm starting to feel better. My birthday is in a few days and I'm totally excited because I'm thinking about having all my friends come over for the day. I'm hoping they don't make fun of me, but I doubt it because they're my friends. I'm also excited because my parents don't look at me like a total disappointment anymore either, and my Uncle Tom is so proud of me.

Uncle Tom’s POV:

   I'm so excited for Twy. She’s on new meds and she’s gained a little meat on herself. It’s taken a couple of months but I'm proud of her. I'm going to see her again today. I cannot wait. I'm not going to say congrats or anything because I don't wanna make her cry or anything, because I don't know how she is about it yet. Anything could make her reverse and i'm not going to be the person to do that to her.

The author's comments:

hoping this doesnt offend anyone 


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