They knew it was me | Teen Ink

They knew it was me

May 10, 2019
By Anonymous

“I promise we didn’t even know she was dead! We just thought she was still asleep!” I yelled at the detective for the third time in the past hour.  
“When was the last time you talked to her, give us the most accurate time that you can think of.” he responded calmly, even after my little outburst. 
“I’ve already told you this multiple times.” I answered boredly. 
“Why don’t you jog my memory then” he answers. 
“At about midnight. The two of us were hanging out with the rest of our friends. I got tird so I left to the other room to sleep, and when I woke up everyone was there to including her, I just assumed she was still asleep.” I said to the detective with a sigh at the end. 
“You know you haven’t said Amber’s name yet. Why is that?” he asked with a speculative look on his face.  
“I haven’t said AMBER’S name yet, because I’m mourning the death of a friend of mine that I’ve known since I was literally 7 years old. So sorry if I don’t use her name as much as you would like me to.” I snapped back. “In fact, I’m done talking to you, if you want any more information from me, get me a lawyer, and I’ll speak through him. 
The detective nodded and stood up before leaving the room. The next thing I know a new person is walking in. She’s holding a manila folder with what I assume is my case inside.  
“Please, I've told you everything that I know. Just give me some time to grieve, please.” I said before she could even get a word in. She nodded and just sat across from me without saying a word. 
*Back at the house/Crime scene* 
“I can’t believe that Amber is actually dead, and that Layla did it” Bella said to the rest of the group before leaning over onto Henry’s shoulder. “I mean they were sleeping right next to us; how did we not hear it?” she finished. 
“I know. I mean I knew that Layla and Amber got into it, but I thought it was just their normal bickering. I didn’t think that she would strangle her to death.” Henry answers Bella’s thoughts. Bella smiles up at Henry for being there while everyone grieved her sister. Wyatt, Levi, Genesis, and Mateo all sat with them in silence, still in shock from the actions that had occurred earlier that day. The one who everyone was most worried for was Levi. He hadn’t said a word since they saw her dead body this morning. He was her boyfriend of almost two years, and he was taking it harder than anyone. Every time someone would ask him a question t make sure he was okay, he would just give a slight no, but never make a noise or make eye contact.  
*Back at the police station* 
She still hasn’t said a word to me, so I decided to break the silence “Okay, I think I'm ready, thank you for giving me some time.  
“No problem, but now I need to ask everything you know about your friend group relating to Amber that has happened this month. Don’t worry about anything that you think would get you in trouble. Just speak, so we can find out what actually happened to friend.” she answered. 
I looked at her shocked but began telling her everything that I know, “Okay, but before I start you have to promise not to judge Amber for anything, I’m about to tell you.” 
“Okay, I promise” she answered me almost immediately. 
“Okay...” I took a deep breath before begining to tell her what I know. “Well, Amber hasn’t been--  
I mean... hadn’t... been making the best decisions for the past few months if I'm being completely honest. And I wasn’t even that mad about it until the other night. Because that is exactly when I found out about all of it. The key words there being ‘found out’. She didn’t tell me anything. I was just being nosey and found out everything on my own. That’s the worst part, we tell each other everything, so I don’t understand why she didn’t trust me. Anyway, that’s beside the point... let me tell you everything that happened.” 
I was sitting at lunch with Amber, of course the rest of our friends were there too, but all the attention was on her. Not that any of us really minded though. She didn’t mean to grasp everyone’s attention, it just always seemed to happen that way. She always sparked an interest in someone no matter who they were. She just had that type of personality, but lately she seemed different. She had always been known as the one who broke the status quo of the mean girl stereo type. What I mean by that? Well, she is the definition of beauty, and even a blind person could tell you that. However, instead of always relying on her good looks to get her far in life, she used her spectacular personality. Amber was one of the nicest people you would ever meet, because no matter what, she never had trouble making a new friend. And no one turned her down either, because she never let anyone feel left out. If she were to see someone sitting by themselves, she would leave her group without a word and go to sit and make friends with that person. That’s just who she is, and everyone knew it.  
In fact, no one really believed her when she told them that her younger sister was Bella. Because they had nothing in common, and everyone knew that as well. While, yes, Bella was still beautiful, her personality did not compare to Amber’s. In fact, she was quite horrible to everyone and only hung out with her sister and her friends. 
Anyway, as I was saying Amber has been acting different lately. She hasn’t been talking with everyone as much as normal and she hasn’t been inclusive with everyone, like she always was before. However, I hadn’t realized it until recently. So, when I did, I decided to see what was going on for myself. One day I followed her without her realizing, to see her with Henry! 
Henry, of all people. First of all, she has a boyfriend. Who happens to be my brother. Second, Henry has a girlfriend. And his girlfriend in Bella! Amber’s little sister, Bella. So, you can see why I was a little irritated by the situation, but I decided to hold off confronting her until later that night, so I had time to prepare what I was going to say to her. Little did I know, that she was going to invite everyone over that night.  
However, it still needed to be done. Therefore, I pulled her into the next room and tried talking to her about it. But she didn’t think she was doing anything wrong. That was not okay with me, so I threatened to tell my brother about what she was doing. Which lead to her to threaten to tell everything that I've told her in private. As well as me bringing up things of the past, to scare her with. But nothing actually happened. We both just ended up getting annoyed and leaving the room, 
When we get back into her living room with everyone else, things got awkward. I had assumed it’s because they had been talking about something weird while we were gone. Now, I realize that it’s because they heard all of the yelling that was going on, and probably heard all of our deepest secrets. Honestly, that hadn’t really occurred to me at the time, but now I see that even though I didn’t do anything to Amber, I still have a few things that I need to fix. Anyway, for the rest of the night, I avoided talking to anyone for the rest of the night. I eventually fell asleep, and when I woke up, all of this had happened. Amber was dead, and I was being taken into custody for suspected murder.  
~End Flashback~ 
We have someone in custody right now. Everything I going to be okay, you don’t have to worry about yourself anymore. I was confused, but I went with the groove anyway. They let me leave the room and when I left I saw Bella sitting in the lobby yelling at an officer. I was confused so I went up to her.  
“What’s going on?” I asked her. 
“They took Henry in” she responded in an annoyed tone. 
I was confused, but I just nodded my head. There is no way that he killed her, because despite me standing with his actual girlfriend now, he was truly in love with Amber, and I can tell with one look at him. Then, almost as fast as a blink of an eye, the officers came back out with Henry almost as fast as they took him back there. Then they took Bella. She was cuffed, and they read her the rights.  
She didn’t cry or freak out in any way. That’s how I knew it was her. She hasn’t had practically any emotion this entire time, and it was her sister that was killed. It all makes sense now. But how did the police find out, and why did they bring Henry in? 
“What did you tell them?” I asked Henry 
“I told them that I knew she was strangled because Bella told me.” and that’s all it took 
Then it all made sense. Bella has always been jealous of Amber and it showed. Last night she must have heard my argument with amber. So, she knew that Henry was cheating on her with Amber. Which pushed her over the edge. She’s a psychopath and this got her ticking. She couldn’t respond to the situation like a normal person, so she killed Amber. And didn’t even care. She even gave herself away to Henry in a way of trying to impress her without him even knowing. She is where she belongs and no one can know, without being as hurt as Henry’s about to be.  
She must have wanted everyone to feel the pain that she had been causing. Because even if that wasn’t her intention, that’s exactly what she caused. No one was happy with each other once I told everyone what had gone on recently. But we all knew that at this moment we needed to stick together more than ever before. So, that’s exactly what we did, minus two of the biggest parts of our group. Because, whether we want to admit it or not, we’ll miss both of them. The best and worst parts of this friendship  

The author's comments:

I'm a sophomore in highschool.

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