Beautiful Believer | Teen Ink

Beautiful Believer

April 18, 2019
By Mea Jenkins GOLD, Raleigh, North Carolina
Mea Jenkins GOLD, Raleigh, North Carolina
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain.

Everyone knows the story of the beautiful girl that took the world by storm. She could turn every head in a room or silence even the most confident of men. The story that is not told is what lies behind her eyes. Those sparkling blue eyes that run as deep as the ocean, captivating and intense. Her flaming locks of auburn hair that frame her face in wavy locks that seemed to follow the wind. Her petite frame that curved like a long country road in the most beautiful golden of summers. Strong as a warrior and graceful as a princess, she stole the attention without even trying. But the girl who seemed to have everyone’s attention couldn't have felt more ignored.

She would have traded every stare and every compliment for the chance to be truly seen. For the chance for someone to look at her as more than a beautiful girl. To see the girl that lie just underneath the surface. She was lonely and waiting for someone to save her. Someone to look into her eyes and make all the pain go away. To open her mouth and finally be heard instead of just seen. For someone to understand the heart that had longed for someone to love.

What they don’t see, is the way heart breaks. The way she cares or the way she loves. They don’t see her struggles or her misfortune. They don’t see her fear and her insecurities. To be completely honest, she may have been beautiful but she couldn’t have been more broken. She was just a little girl who still believed in fairytales. She believed in soul mates and forever. She believed in love. Which is what caused her heart to be so easily broken. She loved so much and so deep for people that only saw the surface. She felt trapped in a mind that raced with dreams.

For someone looking in, she was a beautiful mess. A summer tornado wrapped up in the winds of mystery. If only they saw the way those blue eyes cried; they would finally understand. They would understand the storm that lived there. They might finally open their eyes to the girl who shined liked gold but felt like nothing.

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