Family Portrait | Teen Ink

Family Portrait

March 11, 2019
By chloeyofan00 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
chloeyofan00 BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They call it home, the small house with the small porch and the small garage.

He bought it for her when he was a mere 20 years old.  The economy was better back then, and people weren’t afraid of getting married too young.

Inside, their son is studying for his last high school exams.  He’s going to be the valedictorian. He’s his father’s pride and joy.  He’ll go to college. His father did not.

Their daughter is arguing in her room with her boyfriend.  He hits her. She cries, softly enough so that her parents don’t hear.  She doesn’t tell them. Her whole life, she’s watched her mom make herself small in the presence of her father.  What’s the difference between a bruised cheek and a bruised heart?

They eat dinner together and say grace beforehand.  They take turns walking the dog in the mornings. The kids are home before curfew every Saturday night and up for church every Sunday morning.

Sometimes, they wish for more.  But for now, they live a quiet life, and will die a quiet death.  

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