Polyester Remembrance | Teen Ink

Polyester Remembrance

February 27, 2019
By mkiser5 BRONZE, Elizabethton, Tennessee
mkiser5 BRONZE, Elizabethton, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Each individual crevice was crafted with absolute detail and immense beauty. Together each sector combines to create a collective charm. Every tiny particle is a compendia of not information, but allure. A reminder that people are microscopic, but crucial to a funicational world. A missing pedal is like a missing life, which prohibits the potential of such greatness. The delicate hues of blues, pinks, whites, and greens spark wonder to the eye. There is an allusion of freshness, even though it is stale plastic and polyester. It’s as if I can even smell…

“Ma’am, the store is closing. Please make your final selection and head to the register,” blankly states the store employee.

“Oh, I’m sorry. The hydrangeas are just mesmerizing. You know my husband brought me fresh hydrangeas every week. I miss him dearly and coming here just reminds me of him,” she rambles as turning to the store clerk who is no longer there.

She picks up a handful of white hydrangeas and proceeds to check out.  

The author's comments:

This was a piece of flash fiction created for my Creative Writing class. During writer's block,  I looked up at the fake Hydrageas that my nana loves and was inspired. 

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