Step | Teen Ink


February 2, 2019
By Anonymous

“Everything will get better”, I said to my self, as tears poured down my face. This evening was very tragic for a 6 year old me.  As I stood on the porch trying to hide my tears.

In Uzbekistan, Fall of 2009. I was leaving my grandparents house, and saying goodbye to my kitten, since my mom doesn’t like animals in out home, she stayed with them. My kitten was a couple months old, she was white and fluffy, with light blue eyes. I ran around with her, and always played with her.

As I was about to leave, I started putting my shoes on. I was yelling goodbye to my kitten from the porch outside. And it was time to leave home, but something wasn’t right. My aunt ran out, and everybodies faces were terrified. As I noticed all the panic, I asked what was wrong. My aunt said my kitten was laying under the stairs, and as she was running down the stairs she stepped on the kitten, and it has passed away. I had tears on my face, I couldn’t believe my kitten, my best friend has died.

As I got home, I ran into the house crying, but knew it wasn’t the last goodbye. I called my grandpa and asked to burry the kitten, so I can see her one last time, and so she could go to heaven. 6 year old me wanted the kitten to rest well, so we were always told when people or animals died, they get burried, and go to heaven.

The next day, I went over to my grandparents, my grandpa and I digged a hole. Put my kitten in it, and I ran over to our garden, and ripped out the prettiest flowers I could find, and placed them on top of the grave. The grave was located under our gardens arches. It was a very beautiful place, and I will always have this story saved in memories. It was the last time touching her white silky fur. This experience has taught me many lessons. First lesson would be, everyone will die sometime, and we need to live our lives to the fullest. Second lesson is we shouldn’t be mad for accidents, even though my aunt did it, I can’t and will never blame her. And last lesson is that we will all go to afterlife someday, and we shouldn’t be too sad about deaths.  


In the end, this kid trauma wasn’t too bad after all. Yes, the death was, but it has taught me many things as a 6 year old. Now I have another cat, and it’s been almost 11 years after what has happened. I play with my cat Lilly, and she’s part of our family. I think all animals need to be treated well. Some people put their dead animals in bags and send them away. I as a child wanted to have a memory, and wanted the cat to rest in peace. May sound funny, but it was easier to say goodbye that way. We should all learn from our life lessons, and become better people.

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