The Fight | Teen Ink

The Fight

January 24, 2019
By Anonymous

It all started when Olivia Todd got back to school from the most talked about fight last school year. All eyes on her everyone snickering around her and pointing and coming up to her asking her questions like she was a celebrity or something. As she walking to her assigned locker her friends are just standing waiting at her locker with a bright smile that she can tell that’s fake and she smiles back so awkwardly. They get to the locker hug and as usual the gossip starts. Now lets go back to when this “most talked about” fight happened. It was last school year in the 7th grade 2nd quarter in second mod. Olivia and Makenzie Stokes was just rivals. They didn’t like one another at all they just couldn’t get along. They would tend to bump heads a lot but nothing ever really came from it. The school already knew that they were rivals and didn’t like each other one bit so there were a lot of instigating since everyone wanted it to happen so bad just to get it over with. This one day December 15th Olivia had enough. Makenzie was sitting across the table throwing little jabs like “she’s scared , she not going to do nothing” “I’m sorry but I can’t stand to keep looking at her.” Makenzie was always just the mean girl trying to get attention which was pretty sad if you asked me but everyone was used to it while Olivia was the type that was just quiet and sweet but didn’t really bother nobody and that’s why Makenzie started to pick with her because she thought she wasn’t going to do anything. Olivia stood up leaned over the tale and whispered in her ear “I’m not the one to play with, this is not going to be pretty.” With a smirk on her face. That totally shocked Makenzie and her friends they all were quite taken back by what she said but of course she had to be the “tuff” one she is and finally spoke and said “fine lets handle it then.” Olivia took a deep breath in , asked to go to the restroom she had box braids in at the time and braided them up walked back into the classroom and everyone already knew what was about to happen. Phones out teachers just standing back after ordered not to break up any fights. And boom. Olivia seen red she was swing and I her head all she thought was “this is for my respect , this is for  my title , this is for my recognition , this is to let people leave me alone.” This fight broke out for at least 30 seconds until a classmate had enough courage to get I the middle to break it up. There were braids , blood and chairs and desks everywhere. They broke the 2 up and took Makenzie to the office and Olivia just sitting there panting with a big knot on her forehead. Until finally the school officers show up and put her in handcuffs . now everyone confused Olivia instantly have this frighten look on her face trying not to cry with the big lump in her throat. Everyone gets to snickering and talking as Olivia is being walked out the building in handcuffs by two sheriffs. Olivia doesn’t know what’s going on in fact she didn’t even think it was that serious. She got sat on the curb in fact it was freezing out and she had no jacket on but they were sitting there questioning her “was this fight planned” “did you threaten her” “who hit first” “why did this fight break out” “what type of student are you” and Olivia just sitting on the curb blanketly staring at him not understand nor answering any of his questions. Makenzie’s parents arrives and runs to the building catching a glance at Olivia and gives a disgusting look and look the other way. It happens again all Olivia sees is red and it goes silent. Red lights , alarms, sirens , red and blue lights comes from a far distant . everything getting louder and louder but sounds a bit different as its getting closer and closer. Then she sees white and open her eyes and over her she see her mom calling her name telling her to get up and get ready for school and her annoying alarm still going off. “ughhh” she moaned as she slowly got up her face and back drenched with sweat and everything that was on her bed was now on the floor. She was kind of taken back a little bit as she was figuring out what was going on. She got in the shower trying to process what had just happened and as she trying to remember it , it was all gone the dream that she had just had like 5 minutes ago was all gone “no , no ,no ,no ,no” she said think , please think!” she said out loud. Olivia hush said her mother. “I’m never going to find out what happens next or what I did to get carried out by sheriffs or if I ever went to jail or not “ ,“omg I hate when this happens!” she called out.

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