Family Norms | Teen Ink

Family Norms

December 17, 2018
By Anonymous

I’m in my room pacing, my brain turning to mush from the constant thinking. What the hell am I going to say to my parents? I bite my bottom lip, a nervous habit I can’t seem to break. I pull my hair up into a ponytail. The cool air immediately soothes my burning neck and flushed cheeks. I have to tell them tonight. If I stay in this suffocating closet for one more day I might myself to insanity. It’s not that my parents are extremely homophobic, they just aren’t too keen on the idea of it. I can’t even imagine how they’d feel knowing their only daughter was apart of the rainbow community. They might have their dreams of my perfect wedding destroyed. Would the thought of me possibly marrying a woman be too much for them? Too baffling? Or would they accept me with open arms and warm hugs? Would they kick me out? I am terrified of the unknown. Maybe I won’t tell them tonight…

The author's comments:

This piece is based off of the idea of when I came out to my parents. The difference is that my parents were supportive. The parents in this story though, are based off of my best friend's parents, who are extremely homophobic and would kick her out if they knew.

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