Timeless Age | Teen Ink

Timeless Age

December 13, 2018
By Anonymous

Rachel was leaving for an early flight this morning. As she is packing her bags in her car, heading for the airport, it starts pouring down rain. Wondering if she was going to make it to the airport on time, out of nowhere the car starting hydroplaning. All of a sudden, the car starts going over a bridge into the freezing water.

 As the water was hitting her body something happens. She finally awakens into a new life. The next day, she wakes up in her bed, as if nothing ever happened. Over the next few years, she notices that she does not age. One day as Rachel is driving, she gets pulled over by a cop and asks her for her ID. As he is looking at it, he notices something is off.

 He says “ Are you sure you are twenty nine? I am going to need you to step out of your vehicle.” As the cop tries to ask her more questions, she drives off in a panic. She decides to move away and research her condition where she cannot age. But, nothing was found for her rare condition. A few more years down the road, still nothing was found. So, she decides to live this new life to its fullest. Today is her birthday, she is ninety nine today. As she looks in the mirror, a gray hair stands out. She wonders to herself “wow, is this what it looks like to age?” As tears fall down her face.

The author's comments:

I really like this story because it is different and interesting. I really enjoyed writing this piece because it is both imaginary and fictional. 

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