A True Friend | Teen Ink

A True Friend

December 11, 2018
By LiaDanza BRONZE, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey
LiaDanza BRONZE, Ho-Ho-Kus, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Don’t forget to grab your lunch before you leave”, my dad said as I was putting on my jacket.

I was in a hurry because I woke up late. The bus has been outside my house for about five minutes now.

“Beep”, the bus horned at me.

I quickly grabbed my backpack and sprinted outside. I knew the bus driver was getting upset, but I was finally on the bus. Hi! My name is Grace. I live in California with my dad. I am in middle school. I moved to California this year. I don’t know anyone so school will be interesting. I finally arrived at my school. As I got out of the bus I saw many kids run up to their friends. Of course, I didn’t have any. I made a smile to one girl, but she didn’t give me a smile back. I knew she wasn’t the right friend. I looked at another. She seemed nice. But I thought wrong. She gave me a dirty look as well. I thought to myself why do some girls have to be rude.

“Hey”, someone shouted from the crowd.

I did not know who said it at first. Then she came walking over to me.

“Are you the new girl in our grade?” she said with a questioned look on her face.

“Yes, I am”, I replied. “What's your name?, I said back.

“I’m Charlotte, what’s yours?”

I told her I was Grace. She started to turn her back and walk away. I didn’t know what her problem was.

That was the bell and it was time to get to class. I entered the school and I did not know where any class was. I hated being the new girl. It was time for me to find my locker. It was locker 355. I had a map so I would know where to go. So far I was heading in the right direction.

“Hey”, someone yelled from behind. “You look lost”, she said.

“I totally am”, I replied.

“Well, I will help you”, the girl replied.

I told her my name was Grace. Her’s was Caroline.

“Your locker is this way”, Caroline explained.

“Thanks!” I said. She looked at my schedule and saw that my first class is with her! Math Lab!

“I will see you in class,” she said to me.

I was super happy that I finally met a sweet friend. I thought I would never find one in this school. Why can’t all people be kind? As I was walking through the hallways I found my locker. A nice, big, and wide locker. I started to open my backpack and fill my locker. It took like twenty minutes. I was super late for class. All of a sudden I hear another voice. It was definitely not a kids voice.

“Why aren’t you in class?”, a teacher said.

I told her I was a new kid. She understood.

“What class are you supposed to be in?”

I told her math lab.

¨Oh your the new girl, Grace right?¨

“Yeah”, I said. Her name was Mrs. Stewart. She seemed pretty nice. As I was just putting in my last binder I here Charlotte walking in the hallway. I had no clue what she was doing. She turned around the corner of the hall and she saw me.

“What are you doing?”, Charlotte said with a disgusted face.

“It’s called filling my locker”, I replied with an annoyed voice. She turned her back and starting to walk to the bathroom. I was finally done with my locker. I grabbed my books for the first couple of classes. I took out my map and schedule. I was still lost. After a few minutes, I found myself entering math lab. There were many eyes staring at me. I was sweating. Everyone could not even take their eyes off of me. I hated this moment.

“Everyone, this is our new student Grace”, the teacher said.

The only person who smiled at me was Caroline. She made me feel so much better. I went to my assigned seat and I was sitting with these three kids. Molly, Jack, and Will. They barely talked. This definitely felt awkward for me. As I put my books away my teacher said that we had only one minute left. I was really annoyed, but I was very late for class.

“Ring.” That was the bell. Everyone packed their books so fast that I was in the room last with my teacher. She called me over to her desk.

“Everything will be fine as you start to know everyone”, she told me.

“I understood what she said. I left the room and went to my next class. I did not want to enter another class. I got to my English room and this time everyone was not staring. The teacher called me over and began to talk.

“Hey Grace, I am Mrs. Tory”, she said.

I gave her a smile and said “hi.” I was a little shy. The whole English period we got to work on creating a fiction story. It was not my favorite. We had to show our teacher our writing skills. I hated it. The next 40 minutes have passed. Everyone was silent.  As the bell rang again, I went to my locker to grab my lunchbox. Lunch was usually early.

“Hey Grace”, Caroline shouted.

I shut my locker and walked over to her. She wanted to go to lunch with me.

“Thanks for making me feel so welcomed”, I told her.

“Of course”, she said.

We continued to walk to lunch. The whole day passed.  I was already on the bus. I walked inside my house and my dad was in the kitchen. He asked me how my first day was. I told him that I met many friends. I was nervous to admit I only met one.

The author's comments:

I chose to write about a girl who just moved to a different school and she got bullied at first, but then meets a really sweet friend. I wanted to include bullying because there are many students getting bullied in life today. I think it's important to also include a character who isn't mean and loves to help make the new students feel welcomed and not afraid. 

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