A Windy City Adventure | Teen Ink

A Windy City Adventure

December 4, 2018
By jindo BRONZE, River Ridge, Louisiana
jindo BRONZE, River Ridge, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Today is the day fifteen year old Caroline had been waiting for a year and two months to arrive. Finally, it was December 26th, the day Caroline and her mom Christy left for Chicago, Illinois, during Caroline’s Christmas break to celebrate Christy’s birthday. It had always been Caroline’s dream to fly from her home city New Orleans to Chicago. This was her first time flying without her siblings and father, but she still flew with her mother, who just turned fifty years old. Caroline exclaimed, “Mom, we better leave soon! We are running late!” Christy replied, “I am hurrying!” They finally made it out of the house, but they got into a small altercation, because Christy made them fifteen minutes late. The car ride there was silent. When they were almost to the airport, Caroline exclaimed, “Ugh! We forgot the luggage with the shoes.” Caroline made Christy turn the car around to get their shoes. Now Caroline was irate because they would be forty-five minutes late instead of fifteen minutes. Christy dropped Caroline off to get the luggage, and they headed back to the Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport. They finally arrived at the airport and checked in. They headed to the security line only to notice that there were about fifty people waiting ahead of them. All Caroline and Christy could think about was how long it would take security to check everyone. They finally got through security and went to gate B7. They had already started boarding the plane. Caroline and Christy were very hungry because they had not eaten anything, and it was already lunchtime. Christy said, “We will eat as soon as we get to the hotel.” They boarded the plane and departed. The plane ride was a little bumpy, and the pilot admonished them to stay in their seats. Overall, it was a mediocre flight. They landed safely, and now they were in the Windy City. They went to the baggage claim area and picked up all three suitcases. They then hailed a cab and went to their hotel. They arrived at the Drake Hotel at about 5:00 p.m. After checking into the hotel, they went to the Bean and ice skated in Millennium Park. Afterwards, they went to Rosebud on Rush, an Italian restaurant. After a delicious dinner, they went back to their hotel room and took showers. They opened their suitcases to get their clothes, only to realize that they had taken the wrong suitcases. “Ugh!” Caroline exclaimed, “This has been the worst day ever! Why does our bad luck never end?” Christy immediately called the airline and told them their dilemma. The customer service lady, Jackie, said, “We have your luggage here at Southwest Airlines Baggage Claim office. You can either come tonight or wait until tomorrow morning.” Christy said, “Our hotel is very far away and we will not be able to get to the airport tonight. We will come and get it soon.” The next morning they woke up at 6:00 a.m. and drove an hour to the airport and returned the other luggage and got theirs. They continued on with their trip and ended up having the best time of their lives.

The author's comments:

It is a short story about a Christmas break nightmare. The family is traveling to Chicago for a long weekend. 

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