That Was the Last Week | Teen Ink

That Was the Last Week

November 30, 2018
By WhaleWide BRONZE, Independence, Oregon
WhaleWide BRONZE, Independence, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

HelEveryday I had came home. Went to my room. And drew for hours till my dad got home. But that night my dad had to stay late so I went to bed. The next day I went to school and got a detention for talking in class. I came home late that day. As I walked in from my detention, my dad was home. He knew why I was late home, he stood up and looked at me. He slapped me unconscious. I had woke up with a drip of blood going down my face. My face felt like, like I didn't have one. As I got up from the ground my hair felt wet, so i looked where my head lied when I saw it I realised that i had cracked my skull. I watched my dad just leave, brush it off as a little mistake. We didn't have insurance so i couldn’t go to the hospital. I had to skip school till my skull healed. Everyday i knew my dad would abuse me. He fed me rotten chicken and rotten spinach. My skull felt like it was pulsating for months. Slowly i lost my vision, I couldn’t tell if I was losing my hearing or something because i kept hearing popping and it never stopped. Next thing I knew I was getting warmer and warmer. Then it got really hot. I felt like my face was burning. I looked up and saw a fire. That was how i died. I live those moments of my life everyday. That was the last week of my life.

The author's comments:

when i wrote this it was so fun to write i was up all night wrigting this story the dad is mean abuseive and lashes out on his child. I love teenink and want to be in one of your articles or just be a story on the site. I hope you take this story and publish this. Thanks for taking time to read all of this.

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