The Bad Owner | Teen Ink

The Bad Owner

November 14, 2018
By Dylan-Morales BRONZE, Edwards, Colorado
Dylan-Morales BRONZE, Edwards, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up to my owner looking dead into my eyes. I didn’t want to look at him so I just turned away and hoped he didn’t do anything to me. But my thoughts were wrong, he started hitting me for no reason and I couldn’t do anything about it other than to turn around and start running out of his sight so he couldn’t find me. I went over to my friend the Shih-Tzu and his family to get some food, water, and some love. They were my second owners, the owners I always wanted. They got me and my best friend the Shih Tzu from the dog shelter the same day. We both had all these magical thoughts of how we were going to a loving and caring family. His thoughts were right, he came into this loving and caring family that treated him and all other animals with so much care. But my owner, he is the complete opposite of my friends' owners. He abuses me like if I was the reason he had a bad day at work. He does something to me called animal cruelty, an animal's worst dream. I always run away from him and come to my friends' owners, they treat me with care all the time. I always try to tell them to adopt me because of what my owner does, but it doesn’t work because they don’t speak dog. So one day I barked and barked to get their attention and they followed me to my owners' house. They saw how he treated me when I entered and they reported him to ASPCA and they took me in as one of their own pets. This is a reminder that us animals deserve to be treated with care and love also.

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