In the corner | Teen Ink

In the corner

November 14, 2018
By Bobo_the_story BRONZE, Vail, Colorado
Bobo_the_story BRONZE, Vail, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There is a lockdown alarm going off, we all think it is just a drill and stumble into the side of the room the teacher locks the door. We all sit in silence and someone bangs on the door screaming “open up please they're coming!” in a terrified voice

the teacher opens and says “Who’s coming?’’

the student stumbles in saying “Me” we all see he has a gun and then we hear a noise we have all heard in movies. But there is something about is when it is right there it is louder and something that can haunt you for the rest of your life. Then our teacher falls dead we all scream or freeze and then the shooter who pulled the trigger. Laughs out loud in front of all of us. He said “wow that was fun…” then he points the gun at the person next to me and we hear another gunshot and I feel something splatter in my face but I am in shock and can't move. It is my classmate's blood. All of my classmates are screaming but there is no one to hear us. Then the shooter smiles and points the gun at the other side of the group. I heard six shots and six yelps or screams. Then three kids attempt to run for the door. He pulls out another gun and three shots ring out. He is quite a good shot. Three bodies go limp and fall to the floor. Then he points the gun at me and nothing I hear screams but I don’t flinch. I have had time to think about what was on the other side, and well I may just be messed up, but I just felt at peace for the first time in forever.  Knowing I was going to die.

The author's comments:

This piece of writing was written in a classroom for a school project on school shootings. There were many times during editing this where i questioned my mental state. I am 14

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