Surprise Surprise | Teen Ink

Surprise Surprise

November 7, 2018
By teeninkam BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
teeninkam BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

       One day, Amy was getting off the bus when she noticed a big brown box on her porch. Her mom was not back from work yet, but she knew it was not for her. When Amy’s mom Sharon got home, Amy asked her mom if she had gotten anything. She said no because she had already gotten Amy her Christmas present. So they decided to leave it outside until someone claimed it. Tomorrow, Amy would be off of school for Christmas break. “Everyone is happy during Christmas break, except for the person who is missing their box!” Amy exclaimed. The box was still not claimed when Amy woke up in the morning, so Amy and her mom decided to bring it inside because there was a snow storm. It stayed inside for a while until Amy’s mom became irate. She said, “Ugh,  this needs to be ended.” So she called UPS to tell them to come pick it up. This was a mediocre attempt. They never answered the phone, so their only options were to open the box or call their neighbors to see who it belongs to. This was becoming a major dilemma. Amy’s mom decided to open it, because no one was claiming the box. She would not open it until Christmas day with all of the other presents.

        Soon it would be Christmas day, and Amy and her mom would be able to open the box.When they opened the box,they saw pet supplies with the name of Lacy on it. It looked like dog supplies, but Amy’s mom did not want a dog. Amy’s mom admonished her for scheming this but then her mom realized she actually did not do it. Amy loved animals, but her mom did not. Amy and her mom had an altercation about this before, but maybe Lacy could actually be her new dog. Amy and her mom went to the shelter to see who Lacy was. When they arrived at the shelter, they showed the vet the note and supplies they had received the vet said, “We have a Lacy in right now, we can go check her out.” Then Amy’s mom said “We are not looking to adopt, we just want to solve this mystery.” When they saw Lacy they fell in love with her. She was a eight month old, white maltese. Amy’s mom looked at Amy and said, “Do you want to hold her?” and Amy picked her up and squeezed her. Even Amy’s mom fell in love with Lacy, so they decided to keep her and all of her supplies.   Lacy loved her new home with them, even though there were no more boxes at the front porch that she could tear open. Amy’s mom did not realize how much a dog meant to a family. Amy and her mom never figured out who sent the box, they were just happy that person did. It was like a christmas miracle waiting to be opened!

The author's comments:

This happened to me when I was little!

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