Run away!!! | Teen Ink

Run away!!!

October 8, 2018
By reojanaeharris BRONZE, Sacramento, California
reojanaeharris BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's ok to not be ok",.

My friends are always the ditching type we loved to ditch and man was it fun when we did but it was a big mistake so listen up as i tell my story.

One day me and my friends wanted to ditch so i was like yeah i’m down for it so we left in the morning from school and went by the store. We got over by the store and sparked up our blunt, “aye rachell pass the blunt”, manea said. When we got ready to pass the blunt to another person we saw this white guy in a car and he was staring at us so in my head i was like “damn he’s watching us”,. As I try and find a way to tell my friends that the man is watching us manea says “y’all see him in the car don’t it look like he’s watching us”, so we all turn and he was watching us. My train of thought went wild because i was scared I was thinking to myself like “what happen if i get caught again i’m in hella trouble”, we notice that he started up his car. As we are walking back by foodmaxx to get away he pulls out a phone and start to record us and he said “i’m going to go to your school and show them that your smoking weed and ditching”, mean while i’m like damn he don’t even know what school we go to so we can lie.


“How are you going to go to ur school and don’t know what school we go to”,manea said. He was still recording us but at this point maneas real mad because we feel that the man has no right to record us but he was. The sound of cars doing donuts made the man in the white car disappear so did we after he turned to see what was happening we were gone. “We gotta run across the street right here we can’t make it to the cross walk what if he come,”rachell said. We ran across the street as fast as our feet can run we were not trying to get all caught up in stuff when we reached the parking lot all we could do is laugh because the whole thing was just funny to us. We never got a chance to smoke are blunt but that was the best mistake i’ve made and if i could i would do it all over again but this time i’m smoking my wood.

    What i learned from this mistake is that even when it seems like its all clear and no one’s watching somebody is just because one person wants to do something don’t follow the crowd be your own leader. I also learned that some friends will be there to look out for you and then some friends won’t so when you wanna do something that is a mistake and you know it choose wisely about who you wanna take with you.

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