Crashed | Teen Ink


September 21, 2018
By jdbillybob BRONZE, Clinton, Iowa
jdbillybob BRONZE, Clinton, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have experienced a lot of crashes in my 17 years of life. I am willing to bet that everyone has experienced a lot of crashes too. There has been many occasions when I have crashed something. The first thing that I have remembered crashing was my brothers little four-wheeler. I was riding it around one day when I was like 7 or 8 and when I was driving it around my neighbor’s dog started chasing me around; barking at me. I was so terrified that I thought I would not get away from this dog. So when I was so scared about the dog, I wasn’t looking forward. At that moment was when I impaled our fence in the part of our yard. When I hit the fence it made me fall off the four-wheeler and land on the ground. When my parents finally seen what has happened they came out to see if I was okay. The four-wheeler was okay and so was I and after that the dog didn’t bother me when I would ride the four-wheeler again. There has been where I have hit my brother head on with our little four-wheelers. There were times where we would not follow each other and end up going head on, that was when we learned just to follow each other. When we were going head on with each other it felt like we could turn as if we were trains only going one direction.

 I have also rolled my four-wheelers a couple times; one time was when I thought I could drift on some gravel until I hit a hard patch and sent me flying a few feet and the four-wheeler rolling even farther. My cousin was with me, so she helped me up and to get the four-wheeler on all for wheels and went kept going. You would think by now I’ve learned by now to play it safe. Although the last time I have rolled a four-wheeler on its side was when we were on our family vacation and thought I could drive no handed in a trail until it caught a rock and turned my wheel to the right and flipped me over, which trapped my leg under the four-wheeler till it got lifted up. Luckily my family was there to help me. Only thing bad that came out of that was a broken mirror and a sore ankle.

There was another time where my dad and I was helping my uncle move into a different house when I was ten. My dad and I were on our way to his house, it was during the middle of winter and the roads were a little slick. Coming into town we didn’t have much traction and a truck pulled out in front of us and we couldn’t stop at all because we would just slide. We ended up t-boning the other truck which smashed our front ended and spun us around and made the flatbed fall off the truck and land in the ditch. People came up to the accident and called the ambulance to come pick us up. Once I woke up, my dad was laying against me, we was not awake and he didn’t wake up when I shook him. I got pulled out of the truck and at that moment my uncle and dad’s friend showed up and that was when my dad woke up and got pulled out of the vehicle, he got a gash on the top of his head because he jumped up when the crash happened. I only got a seat belt burn but I still got sent to the ER. They wanted to make sure everything was okay with me. At this time my mom worked in the ER and heard the called about a man and his son in a crash. She was hoping it wasn’t my dad and I and thought it wasn’t until we walked through those doors. My mom was so surprised about it but was relieved that we were okay. What was funny that my dad I had a feeling that something was going to happen.

I have also even crashed some farm equipment. My father and I were cutting some hay together, we had two tractors and haybines cutting the hay at that same time. The one tractor can go faster because it cuts hay better. So when I was turning around to cut a different strip of hay, my dad was going by and at that time I hit his side of the haybine with mine. I was going to quick and everything was moving so quickly that I could not pay attention to everything. The only thing that got wrecked was the side shield. My grandpa just straighten it back out and put it back on the haybine, it wasn’t perfect but it worked.

In conclusion I have learned a lot from these experiences. I have learned to always pay attention to what is going on even if everything seems okay. Also I should always play it safe because even if you know what to do it doesn’t mean something can’t bad happen.

The author's comments:

it is crashes that i have experienced

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