Savannah’s First Day | Teen Ink

Savannah’s First Day

September 18, 2018
By TannerHawkins BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
TannerHawkins BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine losing everything and everyone you loved, to knowing no-one and nothing about where you are. This is how it was for savannah on first day of sophomore, however, this wouldn’t be the first time for something that day, it was also the first time at a public school. Savannah used to be homeschooled. And wow was this a big change for her. In Ohio where she had been homeschooled she didn't have a set time to wake up in order to start learning. She could wake up anytime she wanted.


So the time had begun, she had had woken up and it was time for her first day at Marcus HS. Ever since she moved here she had been dreading this moment. But is was getting time so she got up and started changing and had gotten ready. She was so nervous she didn’t even eat breakfast. Then it was time, time for her to make her journey to Marcus. She had no idea what public schools were like, so she didn't know what to expect. As she walked up to the door she could hear her own heart pounding against her chest, she was sweating bullets she was so nervous. She took one last look at her mom's car and went in. When she went in all of her fears had come to life, she had no clue where she was going, no clue who anyone was. She didn’t where to go to class so she asked a teacher and she still got lost. She wasn’t used to school and this place is like a maze for a new person. She ended up finding her class or what she thought was her class. She sat there for 20 minutes until the teacher called rollrole and found out she was in the wrong class. You know how awkward and embarrassing that can be?


Other than all that Savannah’s day was going pretty good. She found her second period class with no problem, excluding that fact that she had to talk to a teacher, other than that it was pretty good. However the thing she was dreading the most was catching up to her, lunch. Lunch was something she was dreading because she didn’t know anyone that she could sit with.

But she didn’t have to worry too much because she was in second period and lunch wasn't until third, so she had a ways to go.


While in second they were going over “get to know you” games; such as 2 truths and a lie, ect. This took up all of the period and little did she know, it was already time for third period, but the bad thing about being new is that she didn't know what lunch she had or where her class was. It was all around a tough situation. It took her 10 minutes to find her class and she found out she had A lunch which means it was time to face her fears and go to lunch where everyone was. She got there and was so nervous, there was so many people sitting at tables, eating, and talking. She was in a trance just standing there not knowing what to do, but she snapped out of it. She was nervous to ask someone to sit with them because she knew it would be awkward to show up at someone’s table and ask if she could sit there. But she faced it and went and asked if she could sit there and they let her. Lunch later ended and she went to her classes and school ended. She still didn't like it but she was a little more comfortable knowing that she had somewhere to sit and knew some people that could possible later in the year be friends.

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