My life on repeat | Teen Ink

My life on repeat

July 1, 2018
By Anonymous

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I need to just put it out there, something I can come back to.

You see, every day I live is the exact same. I wake up, go to work and come home. Sounds ordinary, just every day life right? At first it was I thought that to, but something just seemed off. For the longest time, I couldn't put my finger on it, I wasn't unhappy, just bored, every thing was expected. Then I realized,I expected everything, and everything happened as expected.

When I get on the bus for work, there's three people, a old woman, a teenager on his way to school and a frumpy looking soccer mom. They always sit in the same place, two stops later a young girl with her older brother get on and sit in the spot ahead of me.

At work I sit in a beige cubicle. The typical office sounds as white noise. I hear my neighbor, Debra, I think, screeching into her phone, everyday exactly at 10:37. I always seem to be working on the same project, day after day, week after week. It's incredibly boring. I always pack a lunch. That, I try to do different. Sometimes it's a salad or a sandwich, other times I bring soup. I have to leave it in the break room, office policy. But when I come to get it, it's always gone. I’ve left notes, asking the thief to leave it alone, but none of it matters in the end, it's always gone by 12:39, the exact time everyday when I finish a part of my project and head down for lunch.

When I get out of work, I go into the little gas station to get dinner, they only ever have hungry man frozen meals, which I just pick up, because there isn't anything else nearby, and no matter how much I buy at the grocery store, when I get home, there's only enough for lunches. And the store always has the same songs playing. It's on loop every day. One by the eagles and another one I don't recognize,I’ve honestly never bothered to look it up. It's old and annoying, but they are always the same.

I don't think I'm stuck in the same day over and over again.Not like those movies where the hero needs to solve something that went horribly wrong and until then the day will keep going on, repeating itself like that endless loop of songs in the store. The people on the bus always wear different clothes, the dates on my phone’s calendar change, and even Debra seems to change subject. (Though it's always about a grandchild or her health problems.) Thays what scares me the most, what if this is what my life really has become, just recycling every day, over and over,just rotting away. I don't know what to do,that's why I posted this here, so tomorrow, when I wake up I'll have proof that every day I live, isn't the same day, I'm jus living it the exact same way.

The author's comments:

I try to write as though I am the person telling the story. This one tells of a man, of working age, realizing what his life has become.

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